doi: 10.56294/dm2023172




Pedagogical Management and Managerial Leadership in the Secondary Educational Institutions of Network 6, UGEL 06, Ate, 2020


Gestión Pedagógica y Liderazgo Gerencial en las Instituciones de Educación Secundaria de la Red 6, UGEL 06, Ate, 2020


Nerio Enriquez-Gavilan1  *, Yolanda Yauri-Paquiyauri2  *, Brian Meneses-Claudio3  *, Aydeé Lopez-Curasma1  *, Julio Romero-Sandoval1  *


1Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle, Facultad de Tecnología. Lima, Perú.

2Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle, Facultad de Pedagogía y Cultura Física. Lima, Perú.

3Universidad Tecnológica del Perú. Lima, Perú.


Cite as: Gavilan NE, Paquiyauri YY, Meneses-Claudio B, Lopez-Curasma A, Romero-Sandoval J. Pedagogical Management and Managerial Leadership in the Secondary Educational Institutions of Network 6, UGEL 06, Ate, 2020. Data and Metadata. 2023;2:172.


Submitted: 15-09-2023                        Revised: 03-11-2023                          Accepted: 27-12-2023                         Published: 28-12-2023


Editor: Prof. Dr. Javier González Argote




The main objective of this research was to determine the relationship between pedagogical management (PM) and directive leadership (ML). The research was conducted with a quantitative approach, basic type, correlational level, non-experimental design, cross-sectional and hypothetical deductive method. Non-probabilistic convenience sampling was applied considering a sample made up of 60 teachers from secondary level educational institutions of Network 6, UGEL 06, of the Ate district. The validity of the expert judgment and the confirmation of the reliability were fulfilled through Cronbach’s Alpha (pedagogical management = 0,974 and directive leadership = 0,909). The survey technique was used and through two instruments (questionnaires) the data were collected via Google forms. The results obtained were (P = 0,000, Rho = 0,586), it is concluded that there is a moderate positive significant correlation between the study variables.


Keywords: Pedagogical Management; Directive Leadership; Secondary Educational Institutions; Students; Basic Regular Courses.



El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue determinar la relación entre la gestión pedagógica (GP) y el liderazgo directivo (LD). La investigación se realizó con un enfoque cuantitativo, tipo básico, nivel correlacional, diseño no experimental, transversal y método hipotético deductivo. Se aplicó un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia considerando una muestra conformada por 60 docentes de instituciones educativas de nivel secundario de la Red 6, UGEL 06, del distrito de Ate. La validez del juicio de expertos y la confirmación de la confiabilidad se cumplieron a través del Alfa de Cronbach (gestión pedagógica = 0,974 y liderazgo directivo = 0,909). Se utilizó la técnica de encuesta y a través de dos instrumentos (cuestionarios) se recogieron los datos mediante formularios de Google. Los resultados obtenidos fueron (P = 0,000, Rho = 0,586), se concluye que existe una correlación significativa positiva moderada entre las variables de estudio.


Palabras clave: Gestión Pedagógica; Liderazgo Directivo; Instituciones de Educación Secundaria; Alumnos; Cursos Regulares Básicos.





Currently, globally, the COVID 19 pandemic affected the education of more than 1,5 billion students; many countries closed schools and universities, which affected the education system; the impact that has been felt in all countries. This situation has forced virtual meetings of pedagogical works to determine online learning programs in educational institutions (IIEE).(1)

Castañeda et al.(2) pointed out that the main problem in management is the lack of training of managers regarding issues of teacher empowerment, leadership, emotional intelligence, such as conducting long-term projects guaranteeing their continuity regardless of who is assuming the direction in educational institutions. Likewise, Weinstein(3), argue that educational leadership has been assuming more and more relevance throughout the world, this development is not accidental, the work of school directors and leaders has been adapted as the second most accurate intra-school factor, after teaching, student learning. However, this interest is only taken into account in developed countries, where educational policies have improved with a long-term vision.

The Peruvian government expressed its concern to improve educational quality, so it approves state educational policies to improve the PM in the IIEE orienting them to the National Educational Project 2021, to optimize deficiencies in educational quality and optimize management in education.(4) In the educational institutions of Network 6, UGEL 06 in Ate, for the year 2020, problems were observed in the PM and ML, such as difficulties in adapting to a new form of remote teaching, due to the COVID 19 pandemic, which affected directors, teachers, PPFF and students. Given this need, it is urgent to improve, have proposals for change and empower teachers in digital skills.

That is why, in the present study, the following question arises as a general problem: What is the relationship between the PM and ML in the IIEE of secondary level of Network 6 UGEL 06, Ate, 2020? and as specific problems the following arise: What is the relationship between OM and ML in the IIEE of secondary level of Network 6 UGEL 06, Ate, 2020?; What is the relationship between EM and ML in the secondary level IIEE of Network 6 UGEL 06, Ate, 2020?; What is the relationship between AM and ML in the secondary level IIEE of Network 6 UGEL 06, Ate, 2020?; Finally, what is the relationship between SCM and ML in secondary educational institutions of Network 6 UGEL 06, Ate, 2020?

The present research is theoretically justified because the information regarding PM is systematized. In addition, theories and previous works are presented to know, improve, and reflect on some problems related to the process of PM and ML in the IIEE, even, in this research you can concisely verify or refute the theories prior to the study.

Likewise, as a methodological justification, it is justified by what offers a valid and reliable instrument that will allow the obtaining of quantitative data, oriented to the description and correlation of the study variables, thus helping future research. Finally, in terms of practical justification, surveys are considered, whose questionnaires were applied virtually by Google forms, to then be analyzed statistically, the information collected, and obtain results according to the reality and the situation of the health emergency, which will give managers a better vision when deciding, by supporting the present research.

It has been considered to propose as a general objective: to determine the relationship between the PM and ML in the IIEE of secondary level of Network 6 UGEL 06, Ate, 2020. Likewise, the following are postulated as specific objectives: to determine the relationship between OM and ML in the secondary level IIEE of Network 6 UGEL 06, Ate, 2020; Determine the relationship between EM and ML in the secondary level IIEE of Network 6 UGEL 06, Ate, 2020; Determine the relationship between AM and ML in the secondary level IIEE of Network 6 UGEL 06, Ate, 2020; finally, Determine the relationship between SCM and ML in the secondary level IIEE of Network 6 UGEL 06, Ate, 2020.

Similarly, it was proposed as a general hypothesis: there is a relationship between PM and ML in the IIEE of secondary level of Network 6 UGEL 06, Ate, 2020. Likewise, as specific hypotheses, the following were proposed: There is a relationship between OM and ML in the secondary level IIEE of Network 6 UGEL 06, Ate, 2020; There is a relationship between EM and ML in the secondary level IIEE of Network 6 UGEL 06, Ate, 2020; there is a relationship between AM and ML in the secondary level IIEE of Network 6 UGEL 06, Ate, 2020; finally, there is a relationship between SCM and ML in the secondary level IIEE of Network 6 UGEL 06, Ate, 2020.



To support the study variables, the following international background is presented. According to Gonzalez-Argote(5) in their study managerial leadership and educational change, indicated as a purpose to analyze a work plan, to guide a process of improvement in managers in the IIEE. In this way, managers will be able to experience the importance of sharing knowledge and pedagogical experiences, to empower teachers. Managers will address the importance given in the innovation process as a source of reflection to be able to conduct a more effective work. On the other hand, the findings showed that the ML and educational change should seek quality strategies for their entire work team in the IIEE, it is extremely valuable to establish dialogues and methodologies that are innovative in the IIEE.

In the research conducted by Sánchez et al.(6)and Burayeva et al.(7) they agree that teachers make innovations in teaching-learning processes, with the idea that interdisciplinary work allows achieving the desired educational quality. The result of different investigations allowed to see the strengths and weaknesses about the educational process. Finally, it was concluded that new education begins in the classroom and the responsibility is directed towards teachers in the IIEE.

Fonsén et al.(8) in their research on sustainable pedagogical leadership in education, state that the purpose was to investigate and create a sustainable structure for leadership in early childhood education with the aim of strengthening pedagogical leadership. For this reason, principals, teachers, and nurses were surveyed; Obtaining as results, referring to sustainable pedagogical leadership in education, statistically significant differences between groups of professionals, so it was concluded that having a high professional status and being highly qualified improves the ability of professionals to reflect critically on pedagogical leadership and have more demanding attitudes about them.

Gonzalez-Argote(9) analyzed the relationship between the variables, in a reality where teachers prefer to work for the state because they are safer there. They also conducted the check on the perception of the quality of pedagogical leadership and another to calculate how committed teachers are. The findings consider the quality of AM and professional commitment of teachers have a particularly good commitment. Also, the idea that the teachers of the AM have of the director is good. Finally, it was concluded that there is a significant relationship between the study variables.

Williams et al.(10); Grice(11); Soroka(12) and Castillo-Gonzalez(13), in their research, observed about PM and ML that seek to explain how the use of technological tools and various strategies improve leadership skills. The most important contribution is to understand pedagogy through practices in the field of education. In conclusion, they seek to give greater significance to educational work for the benefit of achieving educational quality, following the teaching-learning models.

Benavides et al.(14), in their study on management in preschool education centers in the Maule region of Chile, highlighted as an objective of study to specify those difficulties of managers and teachers, to propose alternatives for improvement in the IIEE. The main difficulties faced by managers were poor infrastructure and limited human and financial resources; Also, mismanagement of resources, inadequate use of materials and low salaries of teachers. Finally, it was concluded that the participation of managers will mean an improvement in strategies, to generate changes in the IIEE.

Saltsman et al.(15), in their study on leadership for global education leaders, mention that the rise of globalization has increased the need for globally prepared leaders in all sectors, especially in education. Having a perspective as a leader of an educational center is having greater capacity to direct and expand a vision of knowledge adapting the educational project to current times, this competence is essential for global leadership in education. They concluded that, in preparing leaders in global education, general leadership competencies are still applied and that global leadership competencies in general were valued more than national leadership competencies or even management-focused educational competencies.

Carter(16), in his publication on leadership of community college CEOs in India, mentions as an objective to investigate differences in the leadership behaviors of CEOs in community colleges. The findings highlight gender and generational issues, as these were remarkable and contribute to the leadership of community colleges in international contexts, particularly in India.

Auza-Santiváñez et al.(17), in their study on leadership in the effectiveness of principals in school as school leaders, point out that leadership in schools has the needs that a leader can instill in academic achievement. Because school principals may be the most influential entity in schools in terms of performance, this study could potentially provide a significant contribution to the discussion about the impact that the leadership development program has on new schools.

Sebastian et al.(18), in their research, highlighted the importance of directors' OM skills, in addition to considering their importance in relation to ML skills. However, there is limited empirical work that directly compares these leadership skills and their importance to school outcomes. In this study, principals' self-assessments were used to construct typologies of effectiveness in both domains and compare their relationship on student performance. The results show that principals see themselves as strong or weak in instructional leadership and OM skills simultaneously.

According to Miranda et al.(19), in their thesis on management in single-teacher schools in Costa Rica, they considered as an objective to evaluate the strengthening of managerial management, which teachers develop in single-teacher schools. The purpose is to contribute to improving education in the IIEE, through an implementation of a training proposal that includes the two main management mechanisms: pedagogical and administrative. According to the findings of management in schools, training and updating proposals were generated according to the themes for each teacher in the IIEE. Finally, a set of strategies is proposed to guide and facilitate the execution of administrative procedures developed by each teacher, as part of their educational tasks.

Ríos et al.(20), in their study on ML in Colombia, the objective was to propose a substantive theory about ML in public IIEEs. The ML findings revealed that the educational community perceived a clear incidence of ML style and practice on school success. For this reason, it is important to consider the participation and collaborative work of managers, have qualities that admit them to be assertive, and promote situations of empowerment for the entire team that participates in the institution.

Hardwick et al.(21) and April et al.(22), in their research on principal's leadership, analyze the importance of school leadership in teaching, as an influence on student learning, within schools, the level of school leadership and the experiences of leaders in schools. They also sought to identify professional development and strategies in institutions.

De la Ese(23), in her thesis on ML and evaluation in teaching performance, proposes as an objective to determine the relationship between the variable’s studies between ML and evaluation of teacher performance. In which a (Rho=0,783) was obtained. It was concluded that there is a positive relationship between the study variables.

Murillo-Ticona et al.(24), in his research on OM for the collection center, aims to design an OM model that improves the work environment of the collection center. He concluded by specifying the change in performance and aptitude in the work conducted by human talent, such as the quality in attention to the members of the collection center.

Rodríguez(25) revealed that the purpose of his study is not only to go through the theoretical information on leadership and school micropolitics, but also seeks to differentiate with the various practical models that support the members of the educational system. On the contrary, the leader must reflect and promote values for the good of the administration of the educational centers, allowing the collaboration and consensus of all those involved. Therefore, the role of the director is that of a leader, who knows how to motivate to obtain agreements. Finally, it was concluded that it is easier to reach full consensus when formal authority is represented by a leader.

Anatolievna et al.(26), in their publication on PM of the development of students' communicative ability in Russia, point out that the purpose of the study is to know the peculiarities of developmental PM. In this study, pedagogical management methods, diagnosis, training, and their effectiveness criteria were identified. The findings of the study variables showed agreements of active cooperation and development of people's skills, evaluate them appropriately, empathize, understand, and maintain the individual steady state.

Moswela et al.(27), in their study on school leadership and success and educational management administration, disclose two topics as follows: the influence that school leaders have on school performance and the factors that hinder school leaders' efforts to achieve school success in secondary and elementary schools. Finally, the main barriers are the imposition of policies through numerous directives of the Ministry of Education and drug abuse by students.

Desiatov(28), in his thesis on pedagogical models of management of educational systems in Ukraine, indicates that the model of educational management and the pedagogical style of a teacher has been emphasized that a managerial component this should be transformed into professional and personal qualities. He concluded that the quality of education managers is considered a priority throughout the country in the training of education managers.

Uman et al.(29), in his study on pedagogical leadership in Germany, analyzes an effective model to achieve the development of schools. Teacher leadership can be developed for the improvement of schools. Teachers in pedagogical leadership access a new exhaustive element in the school that has as maximum value in its teaching-learning of the student. For the evolution of education and the progress of the institution, it is necessary that principals and teachers are professionally trained and empowered, that they are aware that they are part of the process. He concluded in the face of the new educational scenario and the demands of the XXI century, in society improvements in educational quality are fundamental.

Among the national antecedents of the study variables, the following are presented. Peñares(30), in his research on ML and PM. A sample was applied to 40 teachers. Based on the results (Rho=0,870, p=0,000), it was concluded that there is a significant positive relationship between the study variables.

Ruiz(31), in his research on PM and AM, instruments were applied to 51 teachers, obtaining (Rho=0,733 and p=0,000), for this reason it was concluded that there is a significant positive relationship between the study variables.

Gómez et al.(32), in his research on ML and PM, showed a sample made up of 52 teachers from the educational institution. The results obtained were (Rho=0,277 and p=0,000). Due to this, it concludes that there is a significant weak relationship between the study variables.

Molina(33), in his research on PM at the educational institution in Villa el Salvador, pointed out a sample of 39 primary teachers and 33 secondary school teachers. The results determined that curricular planning, methodological strategies, teaching materials and resources and evaluation in the educational institution are similar between both levels. In the end, he concluded that there are no significant contrasts in the PM level between primary and secondary teachers.

Coa et al.(34), in his study on ML and organizational climate, obtained a sample of 72 teachers. The results obtained were (Rho=0,754 and p=0,000). Therefore, it was determined that there is a significant positive correlation between the study variables.

Vidal(35), in his research work on ML and the fulfillment of school management commitments at the PCNBR Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, the sample was 20 teachers and the results obtained were (Rho=0,709 and p=0,000). Therefore, it was concluded that there is a significant positive correlation between the study variables.

Salvador et al.(36), in their research on ML and organizational commitment, with an infinite population. The results obtained were (Rho=0,676 and p=0,000). It was concluded that there is a significant moderate positive correlation between the study variables.

Soroka(12), in his study on ML and management quality, the sample was 28 subjects. The results obtained were (Rho = 0,638 and p = 0,000), with this it was concluded that there is a significant moderate positive correlation between the study variables.

Bernal(37), in his study on the AM of principals and its influence on obtaining financial resources in educational institutions. The results obtained were (Rho=0,877 and p=0,000). He concluded that there is a significant positive high relationship between the study variables.

García(38), in his research on OM and job satisfaction. The results detailed that 75,6 % of workers consider OM well and 66,7 % perceive job satisfaction as good. He concluded that there is a significant relationship between the study variables.

Various related theories for PM and ML were also considered Chiavenato, cited by Torres(39), defines management as a procedure, where the management team decides the actions to be followed, as a plan, relating to the objectives, needs, desired changes, new actions, implementation of improvements and the way in which these actions will be conducted, considering the strategy-action.

Rey(40), emphasizes that the PM of the teacher is that academic quality and pedagogical quality, are within the quality of education this is understood as a bridge between pedagogical thinking, teaching exercise and the creation of new ways to face their social, cultural, and moral responsibilities in the integral preparation of students. From this it follows that the quality of education is obtained from the quality of the teaching-learning process applied between teachers and students in the educational institution.

For López(41), affirms that the PM of the director is a step that must be executed focusing on the improvement of the curriculum of the teaching career, likewise, the internal and external innovation of the curriculum is sought, as well as the development of the staff and professional. Similarly, the PM of the director is important for the process of training students because it directs their actions so that they learn and expand their necessary skills for social, professional, and personal development; For all this, the director will manage the materials, means and tools required to achieve it.

The pedagogical management variable (PM) is understood as a set of teaching-learning steps, which are aimed at achieving competencies, coordinated work of procedures and resources for the strengthening of the pedagogical and didactic process, the main objective will be to align their performance practice and pedagogical purposes, according to Hardwick(21). In relation to the organizational management (OM) dimensions, defined as a set of practices that lead a model to positive results, it is based on the capacity of achievement. As for economic management (EM), this is defined as a process aimed at planning, organizing, and evaluating economic resources. To achieve the objectives, it is essential to know the economic data to make correct decisions in the IIEE.

Likewise, administrative management (OA) is defined as an area responsible for coordinating administrative resources and for this it is necessary to organize the needs of the IIEE. In the same way, manage satisfactorily to achieve the desired goals. Also, it is elaborated through four important positions such as planning, organization, direction, and control. Generate educational proposals and improvement plan of the IIEE. To fulfill this administrative mission, the entire educational community must be structured to enable the realization of activities based on development.

Socio-community management (CSG) is understood as an educational process where the driving agent is not only dedicated to identifying and giving recommendations, to solve problems. This refers to the social inclusion of the educational community, its openness to the different agents in the community, participation in the organization and participation of the educational community. The purpose is that the action of the educational community is constituted, defines the needs, formulates plans, and executes activities, according to Saltsman et al.(15).

Managerial leadership (ML) is defined as the managerial capacity that allows to influence, motivate, and commit the educational community to achieve the purposes of the institution, including, as qualities of the managers who make innovations, in the IIEE, to achieve common goals with great optimism and certainty.(42)

The dimensions are: autocratic or authoritarian leadership (LA). These are defined as the individual control that the absolute authorities have in their work team. The members of the educational community have little participation, enunciate a minimum opportunity to give opinions or proposals and set the objectives in the educational institutions. As for Bureaucratic Leadership (LB) defines as leaders subject to rules, legal principles and precise guidelines that serve to ensure that all workers are fair, as stipulated in the regulations.

Likewise, for participatory or democratic leadership (ML) is defined as leaders who involve subordinates in decision-making and delegate authority, promote work method and its goal. Not only does it increase motivation for work, but it also gains more experience. Group members consider self-control, participation, and profit opportunities. Also, transformational leadership (LT) is defined as authentic leaders who inspire, encourage change and creativity in their followers on an ongoing basis. In conclusion, transformational leaders investigate new initiatives and consequently improve the conditions of teamwork.

Alpízar et al.(43), define the EM as main regularities and requirements in management and financing, in the development of the substantive processes in the IIEE, it is necessary to transform a timely process in the improvement of management in strategic process. The fulfillment of the mission demanded by the educational community to achieve sustainable development and social responsibility, are currently characterized by human values, and living conditions.

Rodríguez(44) considers OM as a process of connected actions for the achievement of organizational objectives. These make up a characteristic phenomenon of today's society, these offer resources for most human needs. The actions of man today are linked to the social system, which influences to understand the dynamics and the desire to improve its management.

Kast et al.(45) defines the AM as the relationship of men and material resources, for the achievement of organizational objectives, mentions four essential elements such as the direction towards the objective, through people, through techniques, within an organization. Likewise, the AG creates conditions to anticipate, organize, coordinate, control, monitor and follow up on the processes generated in the execution of institutional projects. In education, the AM relies on the theories and practices of the field of knowledge of the administration in general and school administration. This management is based on the philosophy of the institution, which is manifested in the mission, vision and objectives that guide them and from them, the structure and functionality of the organization as such are determined.

Espinel(46), indicates that community management, according to the booklet "Self-evaluation guide for institutional improvement", is defined as the way in which the school, the manager and the teachers, know and understand the conditions, needs and demands of the community of which it is part; as well as, the way in which it integrates and participates in culture. It also refers to the school's relations with the social and institutional environment, considering both student PPFFs and community organizations and other municipal, departmental, and regional institutions concerned with education. Participation and coexistence, prevention, inclusion, permanence, and influence of the community within the educational institution are promoted.

The referents that frame the operations towards the progress of this management are: context of the institution, the (PEI), Manual of coexistence, results of internal and external evaluations, and self-evaluation and improvement actions, which must be aimed at the intervention of the entire educational community, the construction and establishment of coexistence agreements, The work around the formulation of life projects of each of the members of the educational community. Finally, the pertinent management of free time and the enunciation of proposals that favor the trajectories of the team.



Type and design of research

The research is of quantitative approach, data was collected to test the hypothesis proposed, through statistical analysis and thus evidence the theories, it is of basic type, cross-sectional and non-experimental design, since the researcher does not manipulate the sample, in turn, it is a study of correlational descriptive level because its purpose is to determine the relationship of both study variables.(47)


Variables and Operationalization

The PM variable is defined as a set of teaching-learning processes, which are aimed at achieving competences, regulated work of actions and resources for the strengthening of the pedagogical and didactic process, the main objective will be to align their performance practice and pedagogical intentions.(8) Operationally, it seeks to measure the level of this variable through the application of an instrument, which has 4 dimensions, organizational management, economic management, administrative management, socio-community management.

The variable managerial leadership is specified as the managerial capacity that admits to influence, motivate, and commit workers to achieve the purposes of the institution. As well as qualities of the managers who make innovations in educational institutions with efforts to achieve common goals with great optimism and certainty.(42) Operationally, it seeks to measure the level of this variable through the application of an instrument, which has 4 dimensions, autocratic leadership, bureaucratic leadership, democratic leadership, and transformational leadership.


Population, sample and sampling

Hernández et al.(47), define the population as the group of all cases that are according to a series of specifications. These should be located around their properties of the subject, place, and time. The population for this research was made up of 80 secondary level teachers from the IIEE of Network 6 UGEL 06, Ate district. considering the four participating IIEEs.

According to inclusion criteria: currently teachers are considered active in remote work, they have experience in the education sector in PM and ML.

Exclusion criteria: teachers with leave for health reasons, teachers who were on vacation, teachers who are unaware of the use of Google form.

The sample size consisted of 60 secondary school teachers from the IIEE of Network 6 UGEL 06, Ate district. Therefore, the instruments were applied to the virtual availability of each teacher in charge to provide time for the application of the survey; that is, it was managed according to criteria of convenience. Finally, under these circumstances it was possible to have access to information from the participants. The sample is a representative part of the population that is selected for study in the research process; It is the subset of the total population, considered for the study work called sample.(47)


Data collection techniques and instruments

It was conducted with the survey technique and the application of a questionnaire for each variable. The survey technique that was adapted from other sources. According to Hernández et al.(47), the sampling process was non-probabilistic, in this regard, Otzen et al.(48), determined the selection of the subjects to be studied will depend on certain characteristics, criteria, etc. that the researchers consider at that time, so they may be invalid and reliable or reproducible; Because this type of samples do not conform to a probabilistic foundation, that is, they do not give assurance that each subject to be studied represents the population. The collection of information on the study variables, making use of various resources for the study.



According to Hernández et al.(47), it is a set of tools that will help us collect the necessary data, quickly, of each variable to be measured, and then analyze the results of each person or specific research group, this with the use or application of a measurement instrument. The questions were considered according to the interest of the research.


Validity is the degree to which an instrument that evaluates the behavior of the variable, demonstrating that the measurement instruments must be dependable and valid, therefore, the instruments were subjected to a content validation process, by the judgment of experts before being applied.(47)



In relation to the reliability of the instruments, Hernández et al.(47) mentions that a questionnaire is dependable when the application can be given in various places and provides comparable results. To determine the reliability of the instruments, a pilot test was conducted, with a sample composed of 20 teachers from the IIEE of network 6, UGEL 06, district Ate, the sample of the 60 teachers of the present study are not part of the pilot test. The results acquired were applied to the Cronbach's Alpha statistic, from the SPSS version 26 program: obtaining a degree of reliability. According to the results of the PM variables it can be specified that the coefficient is 0,974, this means that there is a high reliability, in relation to the second instrument of the ML variable has a coefficient of 0,909 which reveals a high reliability, for this reason, the two instruments are reliable in the application of this study sample, as you can see reliability pilot test results.



In this research, first the quantity of the population and the specific sample were defined and then the consistency matrix was elaborated, then the operationalization of both variables, then the instrument, as well as the validity of the instrument was fulfilled through expert judgment. Then the reliability test of the instrument was applied through Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The mechanism of obtaining information was conducted through the questionnaire using Google form the results of the test were obtained.


Data analysis methods

For the analysis of the information obtained through the application of the research instruments, the statistical program SPSS, version 26, was used, which was used to evaluate the research hypotheses. The data obtained are presented in tables and graphs, for analysis, according to the variables and dimensions, considering the results of the descriptive and inferential tests.

Ethical aspects

Due to the social isolation (quarantine), decreed by the Peruvian Government, the letter could not be issued to the directors of the IIEE of secondary level of Red 06 UGEL 06, therefore, for the application of the instruments, the chosen participants were informed about the objectives of this study. Likewise, participants were informed that the application of the instruments is anonymous and strictly used by research work.



Descriptive Analysis


Table 1. Distribution of levels of the pedagogical management variable














Pedagogical Management









Organizational Management









Economic Management









Administrative Management









Socio-Community Management











Figure 1. Distribution of the levels of the pedagogical management variable


In figure 1, it is shown that the PM variable is perceived by the teachers of the IIEE of secondary level of Network 6, UGEL 06, Ate, as regular level of 48,3 %, efficient level 36,7 % and deficient level 15,0 %. Likewise, it is perceived that the OM dimension is at a regular level of 51,7 %, at an efficient level of 36,7 % and at a deficient level of 11,6 %. Also, the EM dimension is observed at a regular level of 51,7 %, at an efficient level 35,0 % and at a deficient level 13,3 %. In turn, the AM dimension presents the regular level of 48,3 %, the efficient level 38,3 % and the deficient level 13,4 %. Finally, the SCM dimension has a regular level of 51,7 %, an efficient level of 33,3 % and a deficient level of 15,0 %.


Table 2. Distribution of the levels of the managerial leadership variable














Management Leadership









Autocratic Leadership









Bureaucratic Leadership









Democratic Leadership









Transformational Leadership










Figure 2. Distribution of the levels of the managerial leadership variable


In figure 2, it is shown that the ML variable is perceived by the teachers of the IIEE of secondary level of Network 6, UGEL 06, Ate, as of regular level of 68,3 %, of efficient level 18,3 % and of deficient level 13,4 %. Likewise, it is perceived that the LA dimension is at a regular level of 56,7 %, at an efficient level of 30,0 % and at a deficient level of 13,3 %. Also, the LB dimension is observed at a regular level of 58,3 %, at an efficient level 31,7 % and at a deficient level 10,0 %. In turn, the ML dimension, the regular level of 60,0 %, the efficient level 31,7 % and the deficient level 8,3 % are presented. Finally, the LT dimension presents a regular level of 48,3 %, an efficient level of 40,0 % and a deficient level of 11,7 %.


Inferential results

To contrast the general hypothesis and the specific ones, a significance of 0,05 was considered. In addition, the decision rule was presented according to: If p value > 0 = 0,05 the Ho is accepted If p value < 0. The Ho is rejected and the Hi is accepted.


Testing the general hypothesis

Ho: There is no relationship between PM and ML in the IIEE of Secondary level of Network 6, UGEL 06, Ate 2020.

Hi: There is a relationship between the PM and ML in the secondary level IIEE of Network 6, UGEL 06, Ate 2020.


Table 3. Sperman rho correlation between pm and ml variable



Spearman's Rho


Sig. (bilateral)





Regarding the general hypothesis, table 3 shows that the correlation coefficient found was 0,586 and the significance of p value of 0,000, data that indicated a moderate positive relationship, affirming that there is a significant relationship between the study variables pedagogical management and managerial leadership. In this sense, the null hypothesis was rejected, and the alternative hypothesis was accepted.


Specific hypothesis 1

Ho: There is no relationship between OM and ML in the secondary level IIEE of Network 6 UGEL 06, Ate, 2020.

Hi: There is a relationship between OM and ML in the secondary level IIEE of Network 6 UGEL 06, Ate, 2020.


Table 4. Sperman Rho correlation between OM and ML dimension



Spearman's Rho


Sig. (bilateral)





Regarding the first specific hypothesis, table 4 shows that the correlation coefficient found was 0,556 and the significance of p value of 0,000, data that indicated a moderate positive relationship, affirming that there is a significant relationship between the OM dimension and the ML variable. In this sense, the null hypothesis was rejected, and the alternative hypothesis was accepted.

Specific hypothesis 2

Ho: There is no relationship between EG and ML in the secondary level IIEE of Network 6 UGEL 06, Ate, 2020.

Hi: There is a relationship between the EG and ML in the IIEE of secondary level of Network 6 UGEL 06, Ate, 2020.


Table 5. Sperman rho correlation between EM and ML dimension



Spearman's Rho


Sig. (bilateral)





Regarding the second specific hypothesis, table 5 shows that the correlation coefficient found was 0,556 and the significance of p value of 0,000, data that indicated a moderate positive relationship, affirming that there is a significant relationship between the EM dimension and the ML variable. In this sense, the null hypothesis was rejected, and the alternative hypothesis was accepted.

Specific hypothesis 3

Ho: There is no relationship between AM and ML in the secondary level IIEE of Network 6 UGEL 06, Ate, 2020.

Hi: There is a relationship between AM and ML in the secondary level IIEE of Network 6, UGEL 06, Ate, 2020.


Table 6. Sperman Rho correlation between AM and ML dimension



Spearman's Rho


Sig. (bilateral)





Regarding the third specific hypothesis, table 6 shows that the correlation coefficient found was 0,538 and the significance of p value of 0,000, data that indicated a moderate positive relationship, affirming that there is a significant relationship between the AM dimension and the ML variable. In this sense, the null hypothesis was rejected, and the alternative hypothesis was accepted.

Specific hypothesis 4

Ho: There is no relationship between SCM and ML in the secondary level IIEE of Network 6 UGEL 06, Ate, 2020.

Hi: There is a relationship between SCM and ML in the secondary level IIEE of Network 6 UGEL 06, Ate, 2020.


Table 7. Sperman Rho correlation between SCM and ML dimension



Spearman's Rho


Sig. (bilateral)





Regarding the fourth specific hypothesis, table 7 shows that the correlation coefficient found was 0,555 and the significance of p value of 0,000, data that indicated a moderate positive relationship, affirming that there is a significant relationship between the SCM dimension and the ML variable. In this sense, the null hypothesis was rejected, and the alternative hypothesis was accepted.



In relation to the contrast between the findings of the present study with those indicated in the antecedents, similarities can be established in the results obtained.

In reference to the general hypothesis of the present research, the descriptive results indicate between PM and ML 48,3 % for PM and 68,3 % for a regular level for ML. In addition, obtaining a significant moderate correlation of p = 0,000 and a Rho = 0,586. That is, there is a positive relationship between variable 1 and variable 2, Hi being accepted.

This result is like the thesis of Peñares(30), for whom it is within that environment that is usually called PM, accentuating the level of management conducted by teachers. This study observes the strengths and weaknesses of development of PM, in as IIEE, named as a professional process in the strengthening of a teaching-learning by competencies there is a significant high correspondence between the variables ML and PM, in which a Rho = 0,870 was obtained. We also found a similarity in the thesis of Gómez et al.(32), for whom there is a significant low relationship between the ML and PM variables, in which a Rho = 0,277 was obtained. Which contrasts with the international research of Sánchez et al.(6), the PM allows transforming educational environments, being convenient to analyze its application in institutions.

In turn, in their research Ríos et al.(20), affirm that the ML in its diverse ideas and ways of exercising it, as well as the way of understanding school success and its factors which can determine the educational quality of the institution. This goes beyond the principle of effectiveness, as it is observed in the humanistic profile of each institution. In this sense, it is effective to understand the meanings that constitute the educational community that are related daily in the institution. In this educational field it is considered an important construct for the quality of the IIEE.

In reference to the first specific hypothesis of the present research, the descriptive results indicate between the OM dimension and the ML variable, 51,7 % was obtained for OM at the regular level and 68,3 % at a regular level for ML. In addition, obtaining a significant moderate correlation of p = 0,000 and a Rho = 0,556. That is, there is a positive relationship between dimension 1 of V1 and V2. This result is like the thesis of Coa et al.(34), for whom there is a significant moderate relationship between the variables OM and ML, in which a Rho = 0,754 was obtained.

Likewise, we found a similarity in the thesis of Salvador et al.(36), for whom there is a significant moderate relationship between the variables OM and ML, in which a Rho = 0,676 was obtained. What contrasts with the research of García(38), in his study OM and job satisfaction, aimed to determine the relationship that exists between OM and job satisfaction. It was concluded that there is a direct and significant relationship between the study variables.

Likewise, in the research of Murillo-Ticona et al.(24), the OM for the collection center. Through the studies and analyzes conducted, it achieves greater effectiveness and efficiency in personal performance, which will grant that the result is the change of performance and aptitude in the work that human talent will perform, such as the quality in attention to the members of the center. Management is to provide an instrument of great importance to managers and partners for the benefit of the corporation, in addition to considering the continuous analysis of the environment in which the company or institution is located, which will take advantage of the basis for future decision-making that is carried out on it, in addition to the planned change, that is, how to get individuals, teams and organizations to run better. For satisfactory results to be achieved, in all institutions, the work must be with commitment and generate satisfaction of those who carry it out.

In reference to the second specific hypothesis of the present research, the descriptive results indicate between the EM dimension and the ML variable, 51,7 % was obtained for EM at the regular level and 68,3 % at a regular level for ML. In addition, obtaining a significant moderate correlation of p = 0,000 and a Rho = 0,505. That is, there is a positive relationship between dimension 2 of V1 and V2. This is contrasted with the studies of Alpízar et al.(43), who define EM as the main regularities and requirements in management and financing, in the development of substantive processes in the IIEE, it is necessary to transform a timely process in the improvement of management into a strategic process. The fulfillment of the mission required by the educational society to achieve sustainable development and with social responsibility, are currently characterized by human values and living conditions.

In reference to the third specific hypothesis of the present research, the descriptive results indicate between the AM dimension and the ML variable, 48,3 % was obtained for AM at the regular level and 68,3 % a regular level for ML. In addition, obtaining a significant moderate correlation of p = 0,000 and a Rho = 0,538. That is, there is a positive relationship between dimension 3 of V1 and V2. This result is like the thesis of Ruiz(31) for whom there is a significant moderate relationship between the AM and PM variables, in which it was obtained (p = 0,000 a Rho = 0,733). Likewise, a similarity was found in the thesis of Bernal(37), for whom there is a significant high relationship between the AM variables of the directors and their influence of financial resources, in which a Rho = 0,877 was obtained. Therefore, it was concluded that there is a positive relationship between the study variables.

In reference to the fourth specific hypothesis of the present research, the descriptive results indicate between the SCM dimension and the ML variable, 51,7 % was obtained for SCM at the regular level and 68,3 % at a regular level for ML. In addition, obtaining a significant moderate correlation of (p = 0,000 and a Rho = 0,555). That is, there is a positive relationship between dimension 4 of V1 and V2. This contrasts with the study of Espinel(46), who defines community management as the way in which the school, the director, and the teachers, know and understand the conditions, needs, and demands of the community of which it is part; as well as the way in which it integrates and participates in culture.

For the above, it is stated that the relations of the institution with the context, considers the PPFF of the students and the organizations that are part of the community, such as municipal, departmental and regional institutions that have to do with education; therefore, active participation in prevention, permanence and inclusion and projection for improvement IIEE, the (PEI), Coexistence Manual, results of internal and external evaluations, and self-evaluation and improvement actions that must be oriented towards the participation of the entire educational community is promoted.



In relation to the general objective, the results were obtained (Rho = 0,586) which confirms a moderate positive relationship, and the significance (p = 0,000) confirms that there is a significant relationship between the study variables PM and ML. Therefore, it is concluded that, the better ML, the better PM.

In relation to specific objective 1, the results were obtained (Rho = 0,556), which confirms a moderate positive relationship, and the significance (p = 0,000) confirms that there is a significant relationship between the OM dimension and the ML. Therefore, it is concluded that, the better ML, the better OM.

In relation to specific objective 2, the results were obtained (Rho = 0,505), which confirms a moderate positive relationship, and the significance (p = 0,000) confirms that there is a significant relationship between the EM dimension and the ML. That is why the following is concluded, the better ML, the better EM.

In relation to specific objective 3, the results were obtained (Rho = 0,538), which confirms a moderate positive relationship, and the significance (p = 0,000) confirms that there is a significant relationship between the AM dimension and the ML. Therefore, it is concluded that, the better ML, the better AM.

In relation to specific objective 4, the results were obtained (Rho = 0,555), which confirms a moderate positive relationship, and the significance (p = 0,000) confirms that there is a significant relationship between the SCM dimension and the ML. So, it is concluded that, the better ML, the better SCM.



To the directors, develop adequate and timely training on leadership, to improve the results of the PM.

To the directors and teachers, implement the OM based on the achievement of objectives so that the execution of the curricular and non-curricular planned activities is reflected in evidence, such as final and/or intermediate deliverables to achieve the goals set in educational institutions, contributing ML that favors all educational actors.

To the directors, project and prioritize the budget allocated to respond to the needs of the IIEE, which reaffirms the superior performance in the EG and the ML.

To the principals and teachers, propose actions aimed at achieving the objectives whose results meet to be effective to sustain a good AM accompanied by the ML.

To the directors, propose to make diagnoses and identify the problems of the IIEE or execute improvement plans in SCM to raise the level of management.



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The authors did not receive financing for the development of this research.



The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.



Conceptualization: Yolanda Yauri-Paquiyauri; Nerio Enriquez-Gavilan; Brian Meneses-Claudio; Aydeé Lopez-Curasma; Julio Romero-Sandoval.

Data curation: Nerio Enriquez-Gavilan; Brian Meneses-Claudio.

Formal analysis: Nerio Enriquez-Gavilan; Brian Meneses-Claudio.

Acquisition of funds: No funds.

Research: Nerio Enriquez-Gavilan; Brian Meneses-Claudio.

Methodology: Yolanda Yauri-Paquiyauri; Brian Meneses-Claudio.

Project management: Nerio Enriquez-Gavilan; Brian Meneses-Claudio.

Resources: Yolanda Yauri-Paquiyauri; Brian Meneses-Claudio.

Software: Brian Meneses-Claudio; Aydeé Lopez-Curasma; Julio Romero-Sandoval.

Supervision: Brian Meneses-Claudio; Aydeé Lopez-Curasma; Julio Romero-Sandoval.

Validation: Nerio Enriquez-Gavilan; Brian Meneses-Claudio.

Display: Nerio Enriquez-Gavilan; Brian Meneses-Claudio.

Drafting - original draft: Brian Meneses-Claudio; Aydeé Lopez-Curasma; Julio Romero-Sandoval.

Writing - proofreading and editing: Yolanda Yauri-Paquiyauri; Nerio Enriquez-Gavilan; Brian Meneses-Claudio; Aydeé Lopez-Curasma; Julio Romero-Sandoval.