doi: 10.56294/dm2024.209
Integración de Inteligencia Artificial y Robótica en el sector industrial
Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics into the industrial sector
Vugar Abdullayev1 *, Ajesh
Faizal2, Irada Seyidova1, Seymur Mikayilov3,
Rubaba Mammadova3, Lala Pirverdiyeva3, Etibar Guliyev3
1Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Computer engineering. Baku, Azerbaijan.
2TKM Institute of Technology, Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Kerala, India.
3Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction. Baku, Azerbaijan.
Cite as: Abdullayev V, Faizal A, Seyidova I, Mikayilov S, Mammadova R, Pirverdiyeva L, et al. Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics into the industrial sector. Data and Metadata. 2024; 3:.209.
Submitted: 18-10-2023 Revised: 17-03-2024 Accepted: 23-07-2024 Published: 24-07-2024
Editor: Dr.
Adrián Alejandro Vitón Castillo
Corresponding Author: Vugar Abdullayev *
The 4th industrial revolution is driven by the implementation of automated robots and artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and safety. This integration encompasses several vital domains like optimizing the supply chain, interaction between human and robots on the shop floor, predictive maintenance, automation of repetitive tasks, customisation, behaviour design, and safety management, data analysis, etc. AI-enabled robots perform repetitive tasks at very high precision, reducing the chances of human error and allowing workers to focus on more complex tasks. Automated upkeep utilizes AI to determine the time machinery will likely fail, which minimizes downtime and maintenance costs. Automated testing and AI-driven vision systems support quality control by ensuring a balanced quality of the product. AI improves supply chain processes, optimizing logistics and inventory management. Collaboration between humans and collaborative robot’s results in safer and more productive environments with people working alongside each other. Artificial Intelligence plays an important role in making smarter decisions, analysing data more effectively, and providing valuable information that can be used to improve operations. Manufacturing customization and flexibility are reliant on adaptive systems and the ability to manufacture personalized products by means of productivity. Safe and Risk Management is consolidated because robots work in dangerous scenarios and artificial intelligence models assess potential dangers. Despite challenges including labour displacement, cybersecurity, ethics, and data integration stemming from this technology, these are all potentially available on your terms. This article reviews the broader impacts that robots and artificial Intelligence have had on the industrial sector, placing emphasis on the revolution it could lead towards as well as the key elements to consider before implementing it.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Robotics; Industrial Automation; Predictive; Maintenance; Human-Robot Collaboration; Decision-Making; Safety Management; Cobots; Big Data Analytics.
La cuarta revolución industrial está impulsada por la implementación de robots automatizados e inteligencia artificial (IA) para mejorar la eficiencia, la precisión y la seguridad. Esta integración abarca varios dominios vitales como la optimización de la cadena de suministro, la interacción entre humanos y robots en el taller, el mantenimiento predictivo, la automatización de tareas repetitivas, la personalización, el diseño del comportamiento y la gestión de la seguridad, el análisis de datos, etc. Los robots habilitados con IA realizan tareas repetitivas con una precisión muy alta, lo que reduce las posibilidades de error humano y permite a los trabajadores concentrarse en tareas más complejas. El mantenimiento automatizado utiliza IA para determinar el momento en que es probable que falle la maquinaria, lo que minimiza el tiempo de inactividad y los costos de mantenimiento. Las pruebas automatizadas y los sistemas de visión impulsados por IA respaldan el control de calidad al garantizar una calidad equilibrada del producto. La IA mejora los procesos de la cadena de suministro, optimizando la logística y la gestión del inventario. La colaboración entre humanos y robots colaborativos da como resultado entornos más seguros y productivos con personas trabajando juntas. La inteligencia artificial juega un papel importante en la toma de decisiones más inteligentes, el análisis de datos de manera más efectiva y el suministro de información valiosa que se puede utilizar para mejorar las operaciones. La personalización y flexibilidad de la fabricación dependen de sistemas adaptativos y de la capacidad de fabricar productos personalizados mediante la productividad. La gestión segura y de riesgos se consolida porque los robots trabajan en escenarios peligrosos y los modelos de inteligencia artificial evalúan los peligros potenciales. A pesar de los desafíos que plantea esta tecnología, como el desplazamiento laboral, la ciberseguridad, la ética y la integración de datos, todos ellos están potencialmente disponibles en sus términos. Este artículo analiza los impactos más amplios que han tenido los robots y la inteligencia artificial en el sector industrial, haciendo hincapié en la revolución a la que podrían conducir, así como en los elementos clave a considerar antes de implementarlos.
Palabras clave: Inteligencia Artificial (IA); Robótica; Automatización Industrial; Predicción; Mantenimiento; Colaboración Hombre-Robot; Toma de Decisiones; Gestión de la Seguridad; Cobots; Análisis de Big Data.
The pairing of robots and AI is creating a sea change across the industrial space. This technological advancement is rewriting the definition of operational efficiency, accuracy, and safety, paving the way to a new era in commercial and manufacturing activities.(1) Robotics and A.I., combined, is not just an advancement but a paradigm shift that will have an impact on many areas of business, from complex risk management and decision-making to automated repetitive jobs.(2) Sectors facing constant pressure to innovate and enhance their operations as worldwide competition intensifies.(3) Robots and AI integration target/time solutions for such problems by automating repetitive processes, reducing human error, and improving productivity.(4) Emphasized application of natural language processing in the following way: Predictive upkeep predicts equipment failure before it happens, greatly reducing downtime and maintenance costs.(5) Also, reliable avenues maintain automatic caliber control to ensure products are of high quality and satisfy clients.
Another important field in which robots and AI are experiencing the impact is related to supply chain management.(6) Thus, AI help businesses reduce expenses and deliver products faster due to better organization of stock and transportation processes.(7) Even more, human-robot cooperation f hri extends optimisation of work processes and safety when human workers and cobotic co-workers conduct activities that require precision or expose the two to hazardous compounds.(8) AI has been mentioned countless of times as a critical war weapon in the battlefield of data analysis and decision-making.(9) If there is a term worth knowing in today’s industry, it is Artificial Intelligence (AI), which uses big quantities of data arising from industrial activities to produce decision-making insights to advance innovation and efficiency.(10) In the case of relevant markets that transform quickly, this capacity is essential for firms wishing to remain competitive. The reason that manufacturing flexibility and customization is increasing due to customers desires shifting towards more unique products.(11) Such opportunities as adaptive manufacturing systems allowing for rapid changes in responses to the client and product design are brought by AI and robots. The variability to this level is essential for companies who want to serve the public with custom products while also maintaining optimal production rate.(12) Mess and challenges have always been part of robotics and AI integration though. There are a number of concerns regarding industries, namely: There are a number of risks that are associated with cybersecurity threats, potential impact on the workforce, ethical factors and costs and difficulty of implementation. This means that employee training, cyber security, and developing ethic policies on AI are strategic imperatives to respond to these problems.
Despite these challenges it is clear that the potential benefits of AI and robots in the industrial market are very large. Managers may expect one or several of the following advantages: The productivity would rise; there are fewer injuries; the operating costs would decrease; and innovation is greater. The above technologies may help businesses attain sustainable development, enhance their capacity to meet market requirements, and gain competitive advantage.(13) In this article, we will discuss how this integration is beneficial and how it pose challenges when we explore on the impacts of robots and artificial intelligence on the industrial sector. This PICKETT GODFREY WORKS seems to suggest that to be ready to react or welcome this technology revolution than industries may want to come to terms with this revolution and some of its features that appear critical here. Every piece of technology utilized in the process will be explored, as well as the way they revolutionize traditional industrial processes, and how robotics and artificial intelligence are set to disrupt the industrial model in the future.(14) It is our intention to provide some ideas of how it is possible to encourage companies to invest in robot technology and artificial intelligence in order to actualize innovation, development, and sustainability in a competitive world market through a critical analysis.
Moreover, several case studies will be discussed to better understand success stories of robotic and AI implementation with special focus on the insights and the successful approaches. This is because examples of application of this state-of-the-art technology helps the audience to understand the practical implementation challenges and practical solutions more easily. In this essay, the altering legal and policy context of robots and artificial intelligence will also be discussed, its business implications and the details of risks that should be avoided to ensure their proper ethical and legal use. Summing up, companies have a unique opportunity to transform the identified patterns of their activities, increase competitiveness and thereby contribute to the development of a new generation of an inventive industrial process through the use of robotics and AI in the production process.
The Significance of AI Across Various Industries
As it was mentioned, intelligent tutoring software were developed starting from the 1980ies and many of those have been in daily use since. New developments in artificial intelligence (AI), especially in the field of natural language processing, have made it possible to develop a number of innovative teaching resources.(15) It is expected that AI will have a substantial overall influence on this industry because to the critical role that education plays in a variety of fields. Applications of AI in education include answering questions from students, coming up with new ones, giving feedback, and scoring narrative answers. According to a research, artificial intelligence (AI) will completely transform education over the next four to five years.(16) Startups in India are utilizing AI to improve the quality of education. AI systems use student data to provide tailored feedback and suggestions, which helps students gradually get better at what they're doing.(17) This method only partially solves issues like different student learning speeds and teachers' limited ability to give individualized attention. Additionally, machine learning techniques help teachers by pinpointing the areas in which pupils are weak, which allows them to modify their approach to fill in knowledge gaps. Furthermore, cloud-based robotic teaching assistants can replicate the instructional strategies of seasoned educators, working independently or in tandem with human educators to possibly remove the obstacle of finding qualified teachers in remote locations.(18)
According to Kamakoti (2018), in 2013 the agricultural industry, together with its associated industries like forestry and fisheries, employed over 50 % of the workforce and generated over 13 % of India's GDP. The industry has several difficulties, such as poor demand forecasting, erratic irrigation, degraded soil, improper use of pesticides and fertilizers, restricted access to financing for farmers, and disorganized, low-tech methods. These problems can be solved by intelligent solutions driven by AI, which make it possible to produce, process, store, distribute, and consume agricultural goods more intelligently. A farm's production per unit of land may be increased by applying fertilizers and pesticides in the proper proportions, monitoring crop health and disease spread, maintaining the health of farm animals, and enhancing farm automation with autonomous devices like harvesters—all made possible by timely and site-specific crop data. Furthermore, by enhancing commodity packaging and storage, AI and machine learning systems can lower waste and spoiling.(19)
Production and Supply Chain Operations
The industrial sector is undergoing a digital transformation, leveraging the Internet of Things to improve its supply chain operations. Additionally, in the industrial industry, supply chain process visibility, flexibility, and operational efficiency due to AI and ML approaches are innovative. Greater demands forecasting ability and improved decision through well-structured scenario planning are two characteristics of this shift. With the aid of statistical modeling, AI is also used for inventory optimization where cases of sales opportunities, forgone, and inventory stocks can be analyzed.(20) Manufacturing facilities using artificial intelligence experience higher yields due to the ability to pinpoint unproductive equipment and have solutions that optimize settings for increased yields through enhanced surveillance and self-correction. These developments express hidden and obvious costs related to, low-quality WIP and finished items, bringing the cost of poor quality, down for manufacturing companies. The employments of the AI & robots in the industrial and supply chain sectors require support from government and private organizations.(21)
Marketing and Customer Support
AI-run digital personal assistants, customer support chatbots, recommendation systems in e-shops and media/streaming services, and hundreds of other AI-integrated products and services show how AI is gradually becoming part of the population’s daily experiences.(22) The start-ups in India are applying it in the different ways to enhance the user experiences through the image-based site searching engine, preference-based approach and suggestion. In addition, using AI applications, deep learning for demand and orders and customized design and production, and inventory and delivery management are also being implemented.(23) Human-like machines prefabricated with customer’s requirements can help the buyers move toward the products of their interest situated in specific areas of a shop. Various recommendation systems, such as the one employed by Amazon, monitor customers' purchasing habits over time and utilize the gathered data to provide appropriate product and service recommendations.(24) Alluhaidan (2018) notes that instead of being hard-coded into the system, these patterns are produced dynamically through the use of machine learning techniques. Online product and service orders are another task that chatbots are being used for. In order to get coffee from Starbucks, for example, a chatbot has been built that uses natural language. Once at the closest Starbucks, the order is delivered, and a pre-registered credit or debit card is automatically used to complete the payment.(25)
Health and Safety
India's high population density in relation to the number of hospitals, medical facilities, and healthcare specialists available presents serious issues for the country's healthcare industry.(2) Even the most basic healthcare services are difficult for many individuals to get. Although hiring more healthcare professionals right now might not be possible, AI-enabled technologies provide a viable way to improve the effectiveness and accessibility of current resources. With the use of these technologies, more patients should be served efficiently, improving results while spending less money.(26) AI is being used by Indian entrepreneurs and SMEs to meet the nation's need for reasonably priced, high-quality healthcare services. In order to collect patient data, remotely access medical records for health monitoring, assist in diagnosis, follow health indicators, forecast the development of symptoms, and link patients with experts, they are creating solutions that make use of sensors found in smartphones and wearable technology. These firms are using AI and big data to diagnose diseases like cancer from medical imaging, create customized treatment regimens, and increase the availability and efficiency of doctors.(27) While AI-powered robots help surgeons carry out precise surgical procedures, AI platforms act as expert systems that counsel medical practitioners on how to diagnose and cure diseases. AI also helps in tracking illness incidence to limit outbreaks, improving image processing and pathology and radiology diagnoses, and early pandemic identification. These AI applications are essential for increasing healthcare efficiency and expanding access to healthcare services for a larger proportion of the population, especially for less experienced practitioners.
Defence and Security
AI is important for security and defense as well. It may be used to protect economically significant areas as well as vulnerable infrastructure, such as power plants and airports. Using networked sensors and pattern recognition, some examples of AI applications in this field include identifying anomalous behavior in people and forecasting infrastructure failures.(11) Apart from artificial intelligence, robots are used for dangerous jobs that put humans in danger, such picking up explosives, finding mines, exploring space, using deep-water probes, surveying dangerous areas, and taking video feeds. The first examples of AI and robotics being used in defense and military operations were guided bombs and missiles, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and unmanned ground systems (UGS). Supply chains may be managed and optimized by AI-powered systems, guaranteeing effective resource allocation and logistics. By spotting trends and abnormalities that point to hostile activity, AI-driven analytics in national security aid in cyber threat identification, border security, and intelligence collection. By enabling more resilient and proactive defense systems, these technologies guarantee both operational supremacy and national security. AI and robots will probably become more and more integrated into national security and defense as they develop, offering improved capabilities for both tactical and strategic operations.
Principles of Artificial Intelligence in Robotics Industry
The first principle is feedback and sense. If the objects are identifiable and their location is known, traditional robots can operate with them in a fixed orientation. According to Polly (2020), contemporary robots equipped with sensors may be trained with artificial intelligence to recognize certain things wherever they may be in the workspace. Robots can pick up new object handling skills fast thanks to machine learning, a type of artificial intelligence. The more objects the robots interact with, the better the machine learning system gets. Even with the quick development of this technology, handling flexible objects remains a major difficulty for robots.
The second principle, process optimization, ensures the security and precision of robots. Robotics industry producers employ AI to determine the optimal timing for comprehensive robotic maintenance.(28) This helps clients avoid unnecessary malfunctions and the associated core repair costs. Robot performance is improved by thoroughly analyzing data collected from its sensors, including aspects such as power consumption and movements. The robot's operating software is adjusted in real time using AI algorithm outputs. While using AI for process automation and predictive maintenance is voluntary, it tends to make tasks quicker and more accurate. In large-scale technology projects, robots interact with various machines. Here, AI is integrated to analyze data from all connected devices, thereby facilitating process optimization.
Mobility is the third principle. For more than 60 years, robots have proven they are capable of movement. AI, on the other hand, gives robots the ability to move precisely in challenging and unexpected surroundings. Robots are often designed to carry out linear tasks, and they get instructions via signals sent out by embedded devices in their environment.(29) Unexpected things that come their way are difficult for conventional robots to handle. On the other hand, AI-enabled robots may plan their routes by building new navigational maps or making real-time updates to preprogrammed plans.(30) They plan routes to their desired locations, identify roadblocks, and adjust their route strategies on the go. Currently, AI-driven mobile robots are employed for a variety of activities, including inventory management, office and heavy equipment cleaning, hazardous area exploration, and products transportation in hospitals and industries.
Artificial Intelligence and Industrial IoT
Several industries, including healthcare, retail, automotive, and transportation, stand to benefit greatly from the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). IIoT will significantly improve consumer happiness, manufacturing efficiency, and dependability in a variety of sectors. With the ultimate goal of developing entirely new and vastly better goods and services, IIoT will first improve current infrastructure and processes. The businesses that grasp how and where IoT solutions and technologies can boost operations, create fresh, enhanced goods and services, and create whole new business models will be the ones that prosper. By enhancing present procedures and enhancing existing infrastructure, IIoT will significantly improve output, dependability, and customer happiness. It will be necessary to carefully orchestrate and integrate a wide range of technologies in order to integrate critical technologies, devices, software, and applications.(31)
Successful businesses will be those who understand how and where IoT solutions and technologies may lead to operational gains, create fresh, enhanced goods and services, and create whole new business models. By enhancing current procedures and enhancing existing infrastructure, IIoT will significantly improve productivity, customer happiness, and dependability. This calls for the meticulous orchestration and integration of a wide range of technologies, including devices, software, applications, and essential technologies. Intelligent gadgets, machinery, equipment, and embedded automation software are examples of smart machines. These machines can carry out monotonous activities and resolving challenging issues on their own. Smart machines, which include neurocomputing, smart dust, and sophisticated robotics, are essential components of smart systems, along with artificial intelligence, IoT connection, and M2M communications. Improvements in smart workspaces, smart data discovery, cognitive automation, and other areas are driving the use of smart machines in commercial and industrial settings.(32)
Application of AI for smart industry
Artificial intelligence can be compared to the "new electricity" of the fourth industrial revolution, propelling a host of disruptive technologies and possibly evolving at a pace never seen in human history because of its wide-ranging use and quick development. Like earlier technological and artificial intelligence integrations (or at least the present restricted learning algorithms that we call "artificial intelligence"), Industry 4.0 has significant potential benefits. Because to supply chain intelligence and predictive maintenance, businesses are able to produce goods with greater accuracy and quality at lower operating costs. Additionally, more flexible equipment is preventing accidents on factory floors and reducing downtime. A network of sensors, analytics to manage massive volumes of data, and quick answers to developing concerns might benefit industries outside manufacturing, like aviation, energy, and logistics. This would significantly benefit enterprises that depend on predictability and dependability.
In the Industry 4.0 environment, smart factories may produce objects in a flexible way without the need to request real blueprints and using computer operated tools and additive manufacturing like SLS to manufacture 3D parts. Through recording, parts that are required, and ordering them using the algorithmic decisions as well as patterns for the demand, sensors bring the “just in time” manufacturing to levels that cannot be previously imagined. It remains more reliable than perhaps over-tired human employees, always delivering a high level of consistency in guaranteeing the quality of the component. In delicate processes, industrial robots may work in cooperation with people or can do the whole work independently. Supply chains in general have the enduing capacity to adapt easily to new products, consumers, and other shifts in the economy. Furthermore, as the acronym implies, these robots use AI algorithms to analyse the huge amount of data generated during the stages involved in manufacturing; the same algorithms might suggest improvements in how production lines are arranged, or when the machines will likely develop faults requiring repair.
Industrial Revolutions
Appealing as reigns of social and technological change the Industrial Revolutions are most significant stages in the history of industry and the manufacturing process. Every revolution resulted in significant adjustments to labour, manufacturing methods, and society at large.
Figure 1. Evolution of the Industry
First Industrial Revolution (1760s-1840s)
The world experienced a shift from agricultural to industrialized economies during the First Industrial Revolution, which began in Britain in the late 18th and extended into the early 19th centuries. Important inventions that propelled this shift were the steam engine, automated textile manufacturing, and sophisticated iron-making processes. The steam engine, created by James Watt, was a significant technology that helped manufacturers become less reliant on water power and increase productivity. Industrialization started with textile companies, which used steam engines to significantly boost output rates. The development of steamships and railroads, which enhanced the flow of people and products, were among the major advances in transportation made during this time. As a result of the large number of individuals moving from rural to urban regions to work in factories, this era marked the beginning of urbanization. However, it led to exploitation of workers and employment of children, and pollute the environment and this led to the first Reform Movements among workers.
Figure 2. Industrial Revolution (1760s-1840s) events
Second Industrial Revolution (1870s-1914)
The period between the late 19th and the early 20th centuries is called the Technological (or Second) Industrial Revolution, or the Second Revolution. In particular Germany and in the United States this was an era of industrial expansion at a pace unthinkable today and of scientific breakthroughs of breathtaking speed. The massive steel manufacturing, internal combustion engine, mass adoption of electricity, a whole lot of marvellous things. Construction and industry were revolutionized by the Bessemer process, which made mass steel production possible. Increases in the manufacture and long workdays resulted from the introduction of electricity into factories. Today you can’t imagine going through a single day without both of these inventions, just as you couldn’t imagine going through the day without the telephone or light bulb that paved the way for them: Thomas Edison’s light bulb and Alexander Graham Bell’s telephone. Henry Ford’s assembly line meant production times and costs became extremely reduced and products became a whole lot more affordable and more accessible. Significant social changes were also brought about by this era, including the emergence of consumer culture and higher living conditions, but there was also an increase in worker exploitation and environmental damage.
Third Industrial Revolution (1960s-Present)
The mid-1900s saw the start of the Third Industrial Revolution, sometimes known as the Digital Revolution, which is still going strong today. The shift from analog and mechanical electronics to digital electronics is what defines it. The advent of personal computers, the internet, and semiconductors revolutionized daily life and many businesses. Information technology and automation grew during this time, and software and computer systems were essential to company operations and industrial procedures. E-commerce and digital services have grown in popularity because of the internet's revolutionary changes to communication, commerce, and information access. Global connectivity was enhanced by developments in telecommunications, particularly mobile technologies.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0)
Industry 4.0, or the Fourth Industrial Revolution, is presently developing. The merging of technologies that make it more difficult to distinguish between the digital, biological, and physical domains is what defines it. Innovations in biotechnology, robotics, quantum computing, Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI) are driving this revolution. The goal of Industry 4.0 is to create "smart factories," which are automated, networked, and able to make choices on their own. This development uses self-governing technologies and real-time data analysis to increase production efficiency, customisation, and sustainability. AI will allow you to leverage machine and learn learning to make predictive maintenance and improved supply chain management possible as well as machine to machine communication through IoT devices. Fourth Industrial Revolution also anticipated to provide big benefits of the fourfold increase in production by the fourfold increase in product quality and creative business practices. But it also raises difficulties like the need for robust cybersecurity safeguards, ethical worries about AI, and employment loss from automation. Finally, every Industrial Revolution has taken us further and further along the path of more complex and integrated industrial practice based on what came before it. In all, though, these revolutions have elevated living standards and generated economic growth but they also reveal new challenges and complications which society must cope with now.
Figure 3. Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0)
Industry 5.0
Industry 5.0 is relatively new concept compared to 4.0 and is characterized by unity between human and a machine. While, Industry 4.0 focuses on the concept of automation and digitization; Industry 5.0 is more about reintroduction or reintroduction of human being in the industrial Revolution and enhance the combine of intelligent systems and human skills. This paradigm merges human intervention, expertise and problem-solving skills with or performance and precision of modern technology.(20) Industry 5.0 offers focus on the humans as the key element of production processes, which is one of its main differences. That way it fosters an environment that complements the human effort with that of the robots, rather than substituting people with machines.(33) He proposed a new social paradigm that holds human creativity, intuition, and empathy in high regards – things that are essential in highly analytic and individualistic work. The type of assistive robots currently available in the market are called cobots or collaborative robots that assist persons with tasks that involve strength, precision or repetitive tasks. While traditional systems rely on the collection and manually processing of data in order to make faster and better decisions AI systems collect data and provide real-time analytical support for the decision-making process. Advanced robotics and AI are critical in such occurrence.
Specifically, Industry 5.0 focuses much on personalization as a result of increased demand for products and services that are tailored to the consumers. With the aid of advanced technologies such as 3D printing and flexible manufacturing, large scale enterprises can efficiently build made to order products for the consumers. In some ways, the shift I am describing satisfies certain expectations from the client side which leads to higher satisfaction and customer satisfaction.(34) Importantly, Industry 5.0 also focuses on social aspect and sustainability. It concentrates on delivering sustainable working procedures and using social and ecological sustainable methods in production such as using circular economy and minimizing energy waste and using renewable power. Moreover, Industry 5.0 is centred on the improvement of working conditions; on providing safety for employees; on the encouragement of updating education and skills in order to match technological advancements with moral and ethical standards.(35) Related to this, the industry 5.0 model will rely significantly on flexibility and robustness. Through integrating human creativity with advanced technologies in production systems, these systems are developed to be far less sensitive to such incidences as supply chain interferences or shifts in the demand pattern. There is no question that both this flexibility and this inventiveness are profound competitive strengths in a global market that is rapidly evolving.
It is necessary to understand that there are applications of Industry 5.0 in many sectors. In the healthcare sector, AI assists in developing personal treatment plans and developing custom built health care equipment with robots performing precise surgeries. Use of cobot in manufacturing improves productivity and reduces physical fatigue, 3D printing an flexible lines allow customization. The following are Virtual reality simulations; such create an immersive learning experience or the education and training industry: Yesterday’s dream of self-service stores supported by artificial intelligence and robots improves the retail consumer experience through automated inventory control, logistics, and customized recommendations. In general, Industry 5.0 is all about shifting of the dynamics of technology innovation and its relation with creativity and knowledge in human beings. It aims at offering better tailor-made, dynamic and elastic industrial processes through supporting human-intelligent system synergy. Since this human-centric paradigm guarantees that technological advancements are consistent with moral and social principles, enhancing productivity and creativity, technological advancements ultimately benefit society as a whole.
Figure 4.
Industry 5.0 vs Industry 4.0
Pillars of Industry 5.0
Industry 5.0 is founded on three fundamental principles: human-orientation in the digital age, sustainability and business continuance. The differentiation of Industry 5.0 from another Industry 4.0 is provided by the following principles: the integration of human skills and values as the key, adherence to the concept of responsible use of resources, and versatility.
People-centricity is the single most fundamental concept of Industry 5.0. This specific pillar focuses on the symbiosis of man and the tool, where latest advancements such as the AI and robots are designed to augment human talent instead of replacing it. As these abilities are all essential for occupations that ask for empathy, bespoke, and comprehensive decision making Industry 5.0 thus considerably appreciates human creativity, blacks, and feelings. Employees are empowered to perform their tasks better and with less risk through the use of artificial intelligence, as well as co-bot systems.(36) This, therefore, is a human-centered approach for hire human workers by supporting them with technology to create a non-violent work force environment for increased production and overall happiness among employees.
The principle value of Industry 5.0 is sustainability, which signals that the Industry is going to appeal to environmental and socially liable methods. This pillar aims to reduce the environmental impact of industrial process through waste reducing techniques, renewable energy sources and circular economy concepts. Institutional practices of manufacturing create a process of the sustainable use of sustainable practices to ensure that the progress of industry does not adversely affect the environment. The principle value of Industry 5.0 is sustainability, which signals that the Industry is going to appeal to environmental and socially liable methods. This pillar aims to reduce the environmental impact of industrial process through waste reducing techniques, renewable energy sources and circular economy concepts. Institutional practices of manufacturing create a process of the sustainable use of sustainable practices to ensure that the progress of industry does not adversely affect the environment.
Resilience is the third pillar of Industry 5.0 and it aims to emphasize the importance of robustness and flexibility in industrial systems. This pillar attempts to fashion business models and manufacturing processes which can endure disruptions emanating from factors such as, but not limited to, supply chain disruptions, fluctuation of markets, or global pandemics. Industry 5.0 relies on the combination of human cognition and technology to promote retention and creation of businesses that can easily pivot. This forms a core competency of surviving and emerging strong through highly dynamic global business environments. Resilient systems are expected to predict the likely occurring events and implement active contingency plans which in return will assure growth and stability in the future. Resilience, sustainability, and human-centricity are the three fundamental principles of any industrial advancement. This is the very reason that Industry 5.0 focuses on developing technologies in which humans are augmented, society and the environment are taken care of, and industrial systems display increased robustness and adaptability.
Cobots (collaborative robots)
Cobots (collaborative robots) are valuable instruments for enhancing the safety and productivity in collaborative working environments, helping human work partners. Industrial robots with artificial intelligence (AI), advanced sensors, and safety devices, called cobots, whose safe interaction with human being in contact work is assured by safe communication, are utilized.(37) (Opposite) To general purpose industrial robots, which perform with no mutual dependency (safer mean). These are force sensors that safeguard against spontaneous and unwanted accidental contacts on the work space and sophisticated vision systems that allow cobots to detect and move away from objects in their work space. However, the usability of cobots is one of its features. Due to relatively simple programming interfaces, operators can configure and tailor workflows, with little to no experience in robot manipulation. Thanks to the propagation through availability the cobots can be applied by a broad variety of enterprises and industries, even from small and medium enterprises. Moreover, cobots are very versatile and easily configured for a wide range of applications. The benefit of the design's design is also its increased manufacturability as it is more or less mobile, it can be made in the rest of the building. Because of a cobot's ability to multitask a cobot is now feasible for companies having need of complex/personalized manufacture and/or frequently changing production lines.
A distinguishing feature of Cobots is the capability of cooperation with humans in team environments. They decrease manual effort and injury risk to human work forces, by allowing work, which is intrinsically risky, repetitive, or demanding the level of precision. Cobots take work off the plate by relieving human workers from work. Wherever a positive impact is expected, not only on safety and yield by cooperative working, in that sense will be a positive effect. Cobots are employed in many industries. By doing repeated activities with extreme accuracy and consistency, they boost efficiency in manufacturing by helping with assembly, quality inspection, and material handling. Cobots are utilized in the medical field to help with procedures, rehab patients, and handle dangerous chemicals, all of which improve patient outcomes and safety. Cobots aid with the picking, packaging, sorting, and transportation of items in logistics and warehousing, streamlining warehouse operations and lessening the physical strain on employees. Cobots are used by the automobile industry to assemble intricate parts, paint, and carry out quality inspections, guaranteeing high standards and increasing production efficiency. Cobots are utilized in the electronics sector to perform operations such as soldering, assembling small components, and testing goods. They are able to provide the necessary accuracy for complicated and delicate parts.(38)
Cobots offer several advantages. They take over hazardous jobs to improve safety, increase production by completing repetitive and time-consuming activities quickly and precisely, and are more affordable and require less maintenance than conventional industrial robots. Cobots also improve the quality of products by performing precisely and consistently. They are scalable, so companies can quickly add more cobots as needed without having to make major infrastructure adjustments. Cobots appear to have a bright future as robots and AI continue to grow and improve their capabilities. Nevertheless, the next generation of cobots is assumed to be at least more dexterous, intelligent, and multifunctional. Human sharing of cohabitation with cobots will become more frequent as the application of the Industry 5.0 model by enterprises increases. Not only it will encourage creativity and, at the same time, productivity, thereby a safer and more humane working environment with a better welfare of the employees, can be built.
Figure 5. Assembly workstations with cobot
Comparison between robots and cobots
Table 1. Robot vs Cobots |
Aspect |
Robots |
Cobots |
Definition |
Traditional industrial robots designed for automation tasks, often operating in isolation. |
Collaborative robots designed to work alongside humans in a shared workspace. |
Safety |
Operate in isolated areas with safety barriers to protect human workers. |
Equipped with advanced safety features to safely interact with humans. |
Programming |
Typically requires specialized programming knowledge and expertise. |
User-friendly programming interfaces allow easier setup and reprogramming. |
Flexibility |
Often fixed in place and dedicated to specific tasks. |
Highly adaptable, can be reconfigured and moved easily to perform different tasks. |
Human Interaction |
Limited interaction with humans; generally, works independently. |
Designed for direct collaboration with human workers, assisting with tasks. |
Cost |
Generally higher upfront costs and maintenance requirements. |
Typically, more cost-effective and easier to maintain. |
Applications |
Commonly used in large-scale manufacturing for repetitive or high-speed tasks. |
Used in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, and logistics, for tasks requiring precision and collaboration. |
Productivity |
Focused on high-speed, high-volume production tasks. |
Enhances productivity by combining human creativity with robotic efficiency. |
Scalability |
Scaling up often involves significant changes in infrastructure. |
Easily scalable by adding more cobots or reconfiguring existing setups. |
Human Factors |
Less consideration for human ergonomics and interaction. |
Designed to enhance human comfort, reduce physical strain, and improve ergonomics. |
Increased Productivity and Efficiency
The productivity and efficiency of industry are greatly improved with the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics. The use of AI-powered robots indicates that the robots are not only ready to work but also excel in repetitive and heavy tasks faster than humans. This in turn leads to faster production cycles, less idle time and more output. For example, AI driven robots can operate complex assembly lines, control material flow, and supervise stock management systems with little human intervention, hence increasing practical efficiency of business functions.(39)
Flexibility and Decreased Product Variability
The production degree and performance of the product is much advanced because of robots and artificial intelligence. Robots are designed for accuracy in performing various tasks, hence the chances of errors and variation in the final product are virtually eliminated. AI systems can self adjust and control the processes to make sure the final output complies with specific as well as stringent quality criteria. Such accuracy level is particularly beneficial in industries such as electronics and automobile, where even small defects can considerably affect the overall results.
Augmented safety
Robotics and AI contribute to job site safety enhancement. Difficult tasks such as working in extreme temperature zones, processing of toxic substances, and performing delicate operations in dangerous areas may be done by robots. By doing so, the rate of accidents and health-related problems among workers is lowered. AI systems could instill sensor and video information in order to recognize and solve safety concerns for further steps to be taken. This makes it possible to anticipate measures that would create safer environments.
Versatility and Adaptability
Production processes can be highly adaptable and nimble thanks to help from Artificial Intelligence and robotics technologies. Today's robots can be adapted in a flexible and reconfigurable manner as well as to some degree of programmability in a restricted range of tasks, which is a solution to quickly adapt to changing production needs. Particularly for purposes beyond line changes but also for clarifications, this flexibility is, in fact, most useful. AI systems could also be adapted to utilize live input to adjust supply chains and others processes in real time, thereby increasing the degree to which they can be responsive to potentially recurring operational issues and market demand.(40)
High Initial expenditure
One of the limitations is the lack of high upfront investment of AI and robot technologies in the industrial model. Acquisition, installation and maintenance costs of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and next generation robotic systems may also be significant. In this pilot investment, it may in fact become a constraint for a sizeable number of companies, including small companies. Furthermore, by continuous updates and releases, the cost is predicted to be more expensive.(8)
Work Place Elimination
The rise of AI and robotics technology is quite alarming, as this may churn out job losses. Due to AI and robotics capabilities, humans will, in many cases, no longer be regarded as essential especially when there are mundane and repetitive tasks that can be performed by machines. This may lead to unemployment and necessitate a shift hitherto held assumptions and step in a retraining program into the new skill requirements in the dynamic labor market. This challenge should be tackled in terms of the social implications for employment and the availability of programs for reskilling and upskilling.
Dependence and Technical Issues
Integrating AI into robots raises, quite understandably, some level of technical complication. There is need to ensure that personnel receive adequate training on the use and maintenance of such intricate systems. Additionally, A weak integration with AI and robots altogether risks making firms more susceptible to system crashes and other technical issues. These risk factors can be alleviated by devising contingency plans and instituting strong measures against cyber-attacks.
Ethical and Privacy Issues
Ethical and privacy issues are also brought up today by the use of robots and AI. Special cases are big data sets which are often sensitive in the privacy matter, which is one of the characteristics that will be developed by the AI in the system to be created. There are as equally crucial data security and ethical use of data aspects to deal with. Also at risk are ethical issues related to the decisional capacity of the AI systems and, on top of that, in case a human decision is necessary. In order to tackle these issues effectively, there is a need for clearly defined ethical limits and regulations for robots and AI.
The combination of artificial intelligence and robotics in the industry is a valuable opportunity or rather the great opportunity that can change the way man undertakes activities. From how this day is concerned, these technologies can enhance the industrial capabilities tremendously by improving the safety of workers, enhancing productivity and efficiency, as well as ensuring better quality and uniformity in the finished products. Market needs and operational challenges may also be met adequately and timely with the aid of robots and artificial intelligence. However, some of these advantages come at some major costs, like high initial costs, job loss, technical complexity, and ethical issues to mention a few. In order to fully harness the advantages offered by robots and AI it is necessary to tackle these problems head-on: retraining workers, providing technological help, setting out ethical principles and making planned investments. All in all, it seems that a comprehensive approach focusing on the effective amalgamation of robots and AI in the industrial settings that also concentrates on their potential downsides is required. With the resolution of these problems, enterprises can effectively use these technologies and stimulate industrial development and the growth of innovation.
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The authors did not receive financing for the development of this research.
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
Data curation: Vugar Abdullayev, Ajesh Faizal, Irada Seyidova, Seymur Mikayilov, Rubaba Mammadova, Lala Pirverdiyeva, Etibar Guliyev.
Formal analysis: Vugar Abdullayev, Ajesh Faizal, Irada Seyidova, Seymur Mikayilov, Rubaba Mammadova, Lala Pirverdiyeva, Etibar Guliyev.
Drafting - original draft: Vugar Abdullayev, Ajesh Faizal, Irada Seyidova, Seymur Mikayilov, Rubaba Mammadova, Lala Pirverdiyeva, Etibar Guliyev.
Writing - proofreading and editing: Vugar Abdullayev, Ajesh Faizal, Irada Seyidova, Seymur Mikayilov, Rubaba Mammadova, Lala Pirverdiyeva, Etibar Guliyev.