Some metrics on scientific production about fractures
Bibliometrics, Fractures, Medical Sciences, Indicators of Scientific Production, CubaAbstract
Introduction: the rapid and precipitous increase in the number of scientific journals has outlined the hardship of perpetrating periodic assessments of their scientific production or that of a specific area of knowledge. Scientific production is directly related to scientific activity.
Objective: describe the production on fractures in the Cuban Journal of Orthopedics and Traumatology.
Methods: a metric, descriptive and cross-sectional analysis of the articles published on fractures in the Cuban Journal of Orthopedics and Traumatology (RCOT) was carried out from from 2013 to 2022.
Results: a total of 37 articles were collected; 19 (51,4 %) original articles, 12 (32,4 %) case presentations, 4 (10,8 %) bibliographic reviews, 1 (2,7 %) special article and 1 (2,7 %) letter to the editor. The year with the highest scientific production was 2023 (n=19; 51,4 %), in the period 2015-2019 no scientific contributions were reported. The total originality rate is 51,4 %, with 2013 being the year with the highest rate with 100 %, although together with 2014 they represent the most unproductive years within the productive ones, 2014 has an originality rate of 0 %.
Conclusions: the production on fractures in the RCOT had a notable representation in the period 2020-2021 and showed a tendency to progress in this regard; but work still needs to be done in order to endorse optimal visibility of the contents on this topic, as well as a greater citation of these, to which the publication in English and the persuasion of collaborators of other nationalities could greatly contribute
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Copyright (c) 2023 Lázaro Ernesto Horta Martínez , Melissa Sorá Rodríguez (Author)
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