Teaching Mechanical Ventilation through High Fidelity Simulation
High Fidelity Simulation Training, Education, Nursing, Continuing, Professional, TeachingAbstract
Introduction: The study aims to evaluate the use of high-fidelity clinical simulation in teaching mechanical ventilation to students in the master’s program in Nursing with a specialization in Critical Care. The simulation seeks to replicate complex clinical scenarios to improve students' competencies in a controlled and safe environment. Methodology: Simulations based on the HAMILTON-C6 ventilator were used, with students facing mechanical ventilation situations. The High-Fidelity Clinical Simulation Satisfaction Scale (ESSAF) was the instrument employed to measure students' perceptions of the effectiveness of this methodology. Simulation sessions were followed by debriefing to promote critical reflection and practical learning. Results: Students reported high satisfaction with the simulation, highlighting its usefulness in improving clinical assessment and decision-making in critical situations, with an average score of 3.57 for its utility in assessing clinical situations. Additionally, the simulation facilitated self-reflection on performance and the development of technical skills. However, the time allocated to the simulations received a lower rating (average score of 3.13), suggesting the need to extend the sessions for more complete learning. Discussion: The standard deviation showed consistency in the responses regarding the utility of the simulation and its ability to integrate theory and practice. However, there was more variability in perceptions of the difficulty of the cases and simulation time, indicating areas for improvement. Conclusion: Clinical simulation is a valuable tool for teaching mechanical ventilation in critical care, but it is recommended to increase the complexity of the scenarios and adjust the duration of the simulations to optimize learning.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Jeannette Mercedes Acosta Nuñez , Mónica Guadalupe Paredes Garcés , Jenny del Rocío Molina Salas , Carmen Marlene Salguero Fiallos , Elizabeth Giovanna Guerrero Guerrero , Mery Susana Rodríguez Gamboa , Margarita Genoveva Sánchez Yánez, Miriam Fernández Nieto (Author)

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