Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics into the industrial sector


  • Vugar Abdullayev Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Computer engineering, Baku, Azerbaijan Author
  • Ajesh Faizal TKM Institute of Technology, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kerala, India Author
  • Irada Seyidova Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Computer engineering, Baku, Azerbaijan Author
  • Seymur Mikayilov Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, Baku, Azerbaijan Author
  • Rubaba Mammadova Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, Baku, Azerbaijan Author
  • Lala Pirverdiyeva Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, Baku, Azerbaijan Author
  • Etibar Guliyev Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, Baku, Azerbaijan Author



Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics, Industrial Automation, Predictive, Maintenance, Human-Robot Collaboration, Decision-Making, Safety Management, Cobots, Big Data Analytics


The 4th industrial revolution is driven by the implementation of automated robots and artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and safety. This integration encompasses several vital domains like optimizing the supply chain, interaction between human and robots on the shop floor, predictive maintenance, automation of repetitive tasks, customisation, behaviour design, and safety management, data analysis, etc. AI-enabled robots perform repetitive tasks at very high precision, reducing the chances of human error and allowing workers to focus on more complex tasks. Automated upkeep utilizes AI to determine the time machinery will likely fail, which minimizes downtime and maintenance costs. Automated testing and AI-driven vision systems support quality control by ensuring a balanced quality of the product. AI improves supply chain processes, optimizing logistics and inventory management. Collaboration between humans and collaborative robot’s results in safer and more productive environments with people working alongside each other. Artificial Intelligence plays an important role in making smarter decisions, analysing data more effectively, and providing valuable information that can be used to improve operations. Manufacturing customization and flexibility are reliant on adaptive systems and the ability to manufacture personalized products by means of productivity. Safe and Risk Management is consolidated because robots work in dangerous scenarios and artificial intelligence models assess potential dangers. Despite challenges including labour displacement, cybersecurity, ethics, and data integration stemming from this technology, these are all potentially available on your terms. This article reviews the broader impacts that robots and artificial Intelligence have had on the industrial sector, placing emphasis on the revolution it could lead towards as well as the key elements to consider before implementing it.


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How to Cite

Abdullayev V, Faizal A, Seyidova I, Mikayilov S, Mammadova R, Pirverdiyeva L, et al. Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics into the industrial sector. Data and Metadata [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 14 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];4:209. Available from: