Comprehensive Continuous Education Plan for Remote Learning in Emergency Situations: Proposal Aimed at High School Teachers
Virtual learning, Teacher training, Remote education, Active methodologies, Educational technologyAbstract
Remote education faces significant challenges, including the need for adequate technological infrastructure and pedagogical adaptations to maintain educational quality in crisis situations. This study proposes to develop a comprehensive methodology in Moodle to optimize high school education in virtual environments, facilitating teachers' adaptation to remote teaching and improving educational resilience. Using a descriptive and propositional approach, a systematic literature review was conducted in academic databases, and techniques such as Project-Based Learning, Flipped Classroom, Gamification, Microlearning, and Design Thinking were proposed. The results indicate that the methodology improves the implementation of active teaching methods and emphasizes the importance of ongoing teacher training and curricular development. In conclusion, the proposal seeks to transform the educational paradigm towards one that is more resilient and adaptable, ensuring the continuity and quality of education in virtual environments
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Copyright (c) 2024 Estela Maribel García Navarro , Jorge Andrés Bautista Samaniego , Ana Julia Quintero Ordóñez , Giselle Lorena Nuñez Nuñez , Wellington Isaac Maliza Cruz (Author)

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