Impact of audiovisual content on Facebook and its relationship with charitable actions
facebook, audiovisuals, graphics, foundation, QuitoAbstract
The audiovisual and graphic content published on Facebook by the Segunda Oportunidad Foundation of Quito in 2023 is analyzed. Strategies are derived from the study that make gains or losses in donations visible, which contribute to the subsistence of the animals. The qualitative-quantitative research is developed from the use of the analytical-synthetic method in the description of the object of study, through the separation, decomposition and union of the object by classes, arriving at a correspondence relationship where contents are identified, metrics and interactions. Interviews, content analysis and monitoring indices are used as research techniques. The results demonstrate the importance of managing visuality and its relationship with the results obtained on social networks
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Copyright (c) 2024 Bertha Alejandra Paredes Calderón, Belén Anahí Centeno Rubio, Manuel Enrique Lanas López (Author)

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