Analysis of innovation competencies and the creation of entrepreneurship
Innovation skills, entrepreneurship, studentsAbstract
The research explores the role of innovation competencies in the university environment and its influence on the creation of entrepreneurship, in the Ecuadorian context. These competencies, understood as a set of technical, creative, digital and strategic skills, are essential to transform ideas into sustainable initiatives. The relationship between innovation and entrepreneurship is analyzed from a theoretical and empirical perspective, addressing how institutional and cultural factors can influence entrepreneurial development. A mixed-methods approach was adopted. The qualitative phase consisted of interviews with technology startup entrepreneurs to identify key competencies; while the quantitative phase included surveys of 150 entrepreneurs from various sectors, statistically evaluating the relationship between these competencies and business performance. Tools such as the Likert scale and linear regression analysis were used to measure the impact of competencies on performance. The results underscore the relevance of strategic and digital competencies to generate competitive advantages, highlighting their role in uncertainty management and process optimization. Additionally, challenges such as limited access to resources and the stigma associated with failure were identified, which hinder the consolidation of entrepreneurial projects in Ecuador. This study contributes to the design of educational strategies and public policies aimed at strengthening the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem, promoting a positive impact on the sustainable development of the country
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Copyright (c) 2024 Oscar Bladimir Velasco Panchi, Jirma Elizabeth Veintimilla Ruiz, Luis David Moreano Martínez, Isabel Regina Armas Heredia (Author)

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