Organizational culture and innovative behavior Through ANOVA analysis
Culture, Communication, Behavior, Innovation, OrganizationAbstract
This study examines the impact of organizational culture on innovative behavior within the financial sector, focusing on the Sumak Samy Credit Union. The objective is to establish a link between these variables through a quantitative methodology encompassing exploratory, descriptive, bibliographic and correlational research. A total of 20 employees of the cooperative participated in the research and completed surveys to ensure the reliability of the data. The research used two questionnaires: to assess organizational culture and to innovative behavior. The study confirmed the reliability of the instruments through Cronbach's alpha coefficients, which were 0.73 for organizational culture and 0.69 for innovative behavior, indicating satisfactory consistency. The findings underline the need to improve the indicators with both aspects, and the importance of improvement for the Cooperative
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Copyright (c) 2024 Yadira Paola Borja Brazales, Vladimir Marconi Ortiz Bustamante, Nelson Wilfrido Guagchinga Chicaiza, Margarita Nataly Cadena Castillo (Author)

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