Implementation of Automation Mechanisms in Public Administration in Ukraine: Analysis of Challenges and Prospects




process automation, public administration, digitalisation challenges, development prospects


Introduction: This study evaluated the adoption of automation technologies within Ukraine's public administration, focusing on their effectiveness and identifying key challenges and opportunities for future development.
Methods: The research employed an in-depth literature review, analysis of the existing regulatory framework, statistical assessments, and empirical investigations. A comparative analysis used international examples from Estonia, Singapore, and South Korea to identify best practices applicable to the Ukrainian context.
Results: The results indicate that automation technologies significantly improve administrative efficiency. However, key challenges still need to be addressed, including gaps in the legal and regulatory frameworks and inadequate personnel training.
Conclusions: The study concludes with recommendations for enhancing automation in Ukraine's public administration, drawing on international experiences while considering national specifics. A comprehensive digital integration across all levels of public administration is essential for ensuring effective and transparent governance


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How to Cite

Kononenko V, Yaremenko O, Konotopenko O, Lapshin S, Moisiiakha A. Implementation of Automation Mechanisms in Public Administration in Ukraine: Analysis of Challenges and Prospects. Data and Metadata [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 26 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];3:.227. Available from: