Proposal for a usability engineering model applicable to the requirements analysis phase of mobile applications
Usability engineering, Requirements engineering, mobile applicationsAbstract
Usability is frequently evaluated in the final phases of development or when the application is finished, although it is true that this evaluation provides important information to improve new versions of products, it is much more important to have elements that allow obtaining relevant information that allows incorporating usability attributes in the requirements analysis phase in order to obtain quality software products and even more so when it comes to applications intended for use on mobile devices, we must consider that usability is not only about reducing the size of a website to adapt to mobile devices, but on the contrary, considering this element means thinking about how people use mobile devices and understanding that the mobile experience is so unique. as the user, which is why to obtain quality mobile applications, adequate usability engineering must be carried out in the requirements phase. In this work, the proposal for a Usability Engineering Model applicable to the application requirements analysis phase is presented. This proposal integrates the usability models and criteria in the Software Engineering process
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Copyright (c) 2024 Pico Pico María Angélica, Camero Berrones Rosa Gabriela, Lozada Torres Edwin Fabricio, Freire Lescano Luis Rafael (Author)

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