Technical debt management in academic environments: perspectives and challenges of a software development team
software development, development team, technical debt, technical debt managementAbstract
Technical debt are those convenience tasks that developers perform to obtain short-term benefits but that in the future can produce activities that are difficult to perform or more costly. The impact of technical debt is perceived in all project resources, becoming a present and future problem in software development, affecting the quality of the software. This study uses a qualitative analysis, through interviews with a software development team, explores the knowledge and perception of technical debt, the practices used to manage it, the factors that influence its appearance and accumulation, the impact that development suffers, as well as the team and the maintainability of the software, as a result, ideas and solutions are proposed to address it effectively. The study was carried out with a qualitative investigative approach, which was based on the study of a single case with which the experiences and practices in the perception and management of technical debt are investigated. The data obtained reveal that technical debt affects the normal development of the development team and that it is present in the activities carried out by the team. Although the development team has a perception of the debt, it does not address it directly, and it is necessary to implement good practices to identify it and integrate it into the software development process. Addressing technical debt with the implementation of a formal process to manage it will ensure that scheduled time is controlled and resources are optimized, which will result in a culture of good practices that will ensure product quality, improving team performance and guaranteeing software maintainability
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Copyright (c) 2024 Lozada Torres Edwin Fabricio , Cadena Martínez Rodrigo , Pico Pico María Angélica (Author)

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