Vertical position: What does ESAMyN say? A visionary perspective to reduce maternal mortality
Labor obstetric, Labor pain, Humanizing Delivery, Maternal DeathAbstract
Upright labor has proven to be a practice with multiple benefits, supported by both scientific research and clinical experience. This approach uses gravity to facilitate the baby's descent, improves fetal alignment and increases the efficiency of uterine contractions. As a result, it can speed up labor and decrease the need for medical interventions. It also offers women a greater sense of control and comfort during labor, enhancing their physical and emotional experience.
From the newborn's perspective, upright delivery can aid in a smoother postnatal transition. Culturally, many indigenous communities have adopted this practice for centuries, based on a deep understanding of female anatomy and physiology. The reintroduction of these practices in the modern context shows a growing recognition of natural methods and a more holistic approach to obstetric care. By combining these techniques with evidence-based medicine, significant advances can be made in reducing maternal mortality and improving the birth experience for women and their newborns.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mauricio Fernando Enrriquez Grijalva, Melany Yamilex Reascos Chalacán , Alex Javier Criollo Rodriguez (Author)

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