Reciproc blue y wave one gold en conductos curvos
Filling, Deburring, Root Canal, Reciproc Blue, Wave One GoldAbstract
Introduction: endodontic treatment is performed daily in various health centers by specialists and general dentists, however, the obturation treatment can fail and a deobturation of the materials lodged in the root canals whether straight or curved is required.
Objective: to determine which of the two systems Reciproc Blue and WaveOne Gold is more effective in the deobturation of curved root canals by means of a literature review of related studies.
Method: qualitative and descriptive literature review with scientific articles obtained from the PubMed online database as the study population.
Results: WaveOne Gold presented a minimum time of between 2,03 and 4,9 min in the duration of the cleaning of curved root canals, while Reciproc Blue presented a time between 3,21 and 5,4 min.
Conclusions: it was determined that the two systems Reciproc Blue and WaveOne Gold have a good efficacy in the treatment of deobturation of curved root canals, since they eliminate the materials lodged in these canals after an incorrect obturation, with cleaning percentages higher than 2 %.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Gómez Coba Ronald Medardo, Jhoseline MelissaPérez Villacrés Pérez Villacrés , Manuel PhD Benites Rolando (Author)

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