Use of the VIKOR method in the analysis of the training and function of the surgical nurse




Nurses, multicriteria method, surgery, preparation


The role of the surgical nurse is fundamental to ensure the correct execution of procedures in the operating room, ranging from initial preparation to closure of surgery. In preoperative preparation, the surgical nurse is responsible for maintaining sterility, verifying the operation of equipment, and preparing the operating table. Surgical instrumentation training, which varies by country, generally requires a bachelor's degree followed by a master's specialization to acquire the necessary skills. To optimize the role of surgical nurses, the VIKOR method, designed for multi-criteria decision making, was applied. This method helped select the best option considering various evaluation criteria such as technical competence, time management, problem solving and knowledge of protocols. The evaluation included a detailed analysis of the nurses' competence in different phases of surgery, resulting in a ranking that highlights the importance of continuous training in these criteria. The results indicated that the optimal performance of nurses during surgery is crucial for the success of surgical procedures, and the need to qualify nurses in the areas analyzed to improve their effectiveness in the operating room was identified


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How to Cite

Montesdeoca Abad GV, Ortiz Sánchez DM, Hidalgo Jaitia SL, Gómez N. Use of the VIKOR method in the analysis of the training and function of the surgical nurse. Data and Metadata [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 4 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];3:.238. Available from: