LinkedIn chatbot and advertising growth of the professional profile in administration
Chatbot, LinkedIn, professional profile, advertising, decision making, data scienceAbstract
Objetive: the present study aimed to determine how the use of the LinkedIn chatbot is related to the advertising growth of the professional profile of business administration students in Tacna 2023.
Methods: it was a quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive and correlational study. The sample included 154 businessmen, and a survey was applied to collect information, consisting of 22 items. According to the results, 46 % of the students use LinkedIn chatbot, in addition, 43 % indicated that there is an advertising growth.
Results: the value obtained was Rho= 0,960, indicating a perfect positive correlation between LinkedIn chatbot usage and advertising growth. As for the dimensions, the correlation was: experience (0,973), usefulness (0,954) and reach (0,924).
Conclusions: it is concluded that there is a significant correlation between the use of LinkedIn chatbot and advertising growth of the professional profile of business administration students in Tacna - 2023
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Copyright (c) 2022 Rafael Romero-Carazas, Consuelo del Pilar Clemente-Castillo, Marilyn Villanueva-Batallanos, Freddy Antonio Ochoa-Tataje, Segundo Víctor Sánchez-Ramírez, Yta Zunilda Olortegui-Cristóbal, José Gregorio Mora-Barajas, Tania Quiroz-Quesada, Amarelys Román-Mireles, Roque Juan Espinoza-Casco (Author)
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