Adaptation and Validation of a Self-Assessment Work Performance Scale for Nursing Staff




Work, Performance, Nursing, Invariance, Healthcare, Validation


Introduction: work performance in nursing is crucial for the effectiveness of health services and the quality of patient care. Factors affecting this performance include work motivation, organizational culture, institutional support, and working conditions. The need for accurate tools to measure work performance in specific contexts, such as nursing in Peru, is imperative, especially given the increased demands and pressures brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. 
Objective: this study aims to adapt and validate a Short Version of the Self-Assessment Work Performance Scale for Peruvian nursing staff, ensuring its relevance and psychometric accuracy in this specific context. 
Method: an instrumental design was used with convenience sampling, selecting 409 Peruvian nurses (M=20,22, SD=2,6). The scale, composed of 10 items, was adapted to Spanish and evaluated through confirmatory factor analysis. Reliability measures such as Cronbach's alpha and McDonald's omega were employed, along with invariance analysis to ensure the scale's consistency across sexes. 
Results: the factor structure confirmed the construct validity of the scale with a good fit in the unifactorial models (χ² = 139,820, df = 35, p < ,001, CFI = 0,94, TLI = 0,93, RMSEA = 0,07, SRMR = 0,03). Reliability was high, with Cronbach's alpha and McDonald's omega of 0,92 for the general model. The scale demonstrated full measurement invariance across sexes, reinforcing its applicability in gender-divided populations. 
Conclusions: the scale is a valid and reliable tool for assessing work performance in nursing staff in Peru. Its ability to adequately reflect the specific conditions and challenges of this professional group ensures its utility in the continuous improvement of health service quality and effective management of nursing staff in diverse and demanding contexts


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How to Cite

Morales-García WC, Sairitupa-Sanchez LZ, Mardel Morales-García MM-G. Adaptation and Validation of a Self-Assessment Work Performance Scale for Nursing Staff. Data and Metadata [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 11 [cited 2024 Sep. 20];3:423. Available from: