Proposal for a protection system of an industrial electrical network
Protection System, Protectios Devices, Relays, Industrial Electrical SystemAbstract
An electrical protection system in an industry Works by detecting and acting against abnormal conditions in the electrical system with the objective of guaranteeing the safety of people, protecting equipment and ensuring the continuity of industrial process. Taking into account the importance of guaranteeing adequate electrical protection system in an industrial activity in this research a proposal for the protection system for an industrial electrical network is presented. As a previous step proposal, the methodology desingned for the coordination of protections for an industrial electrical network was proposed. The proposal was designed taking into account four operating scenarios required to calibrate the industry’s protection devices. The short circuit analysis maximum in each of the system bars for each of the scenarios allowed determining the maximum phase failure currents it is 44,44 % for emergency 1 and 66,66 % for emergency 2, while the maximum ground fault current was founding emergency scenario2. At the news to the four scenarios of the industrial network in the actuation times of the devices of protection, there is not considerable variation; this is justified by the current time graph because when there is a serious short circuit current, the action time should be shorter. On the contrary, when there is a small current time will be greater
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Copyright (c) 2024 Alex Paúl Cruz Gonzales, Xavier Santiago Salazar Defaz, Xavier Alfonso Proaño Maldonado, Franklin Hernán Vásquez Teneda (Author)
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