User acceptance of health information technologies (HIT): an application of the theory of planned behavior




Adoption, HIT, Theory of Planned Behavior, Systematic Literature Review, Developed Countries


Health Information Technologies (HIT) has a significant chance of enhancing the standard of medical treatment, but their acceptance faces major obstacles including low adoption rates and professional hesitancy. Limited research on HIT adoption, especially in poor nations, adds to this problem and clearly challenges health care managers and researchers. It emphasizes the need of knowing the elements influencing acceptance, choice, and usage of healthcare technology to improve user adoption willingness. Using past studies from several nations, this paper investigates the elements driving HIT adoption within the prism of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Using a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) under direction from the PRISMA framework guaranteed an open and exhaustive study. With eight publications compared to six from wealthy countries, the results expose a notable trend: emerging countries help more to promote HIT adoption research. Furthermore, the combination of TPB with other theories like the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) provides a whole framework for grasp the elements influencing HIT uptake. Core TPB components include subjective norms, attitude, and perceived behavioral control are well known in industrialized nations and supported by TAM's perceived utility and simplicity of use, along with demographic elements, therefore stressing a user-centric approach. Research on emerging nations, particularly China, shows, on the other hand, a wide spectrum of variables on HIT adoption including personal, technical, social, and institutional ones. The results greatly improve our knowledge of HIT adoption seen from the TPB perspective and provide insightful analysis for legislators developing sensible plans for HIT implementation


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How to Cite

Mohammad AAS, Khanfar IA, Al Oraini B, Vasudevan A, Suleiman IM, Al-Momani AM. User acceptance of health information technologies (HIT): an application of the theory of planned behavior. Data and Metadata [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 2 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];3:394. Available from: