Securing Biomedical Audio Data in IoT Healthcare Systems: An Evaluation of Encryption Methods for Enhanced Privacy


  • Mohammed Amraoui Intelligent Processing and Security of System (IPSS Team), Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences, Mohammed V University in Rabat. Morocco Author
  • Imane Lasri Laboratory of Conception and Systems (Electronics, Signals and Informatics), Faculty of Sciences, Mohammed V University in Rabat. Morocco Author
  • Fouzia Omary Intelligent Processing and Security of System (IPSS Team), Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences, Mohammed V University in Rabat. Morocco Author
  • Mohamed Khalifa Boutahir Engineering science and technology laboratory, IDMS Team, Faculty of Sciences and Tech-niques, Moulay Ismail University of Meknes. Morocco Author



Audio security, Chacha20, Salsa20, Camellia, Noise reduction, Fourier transform


Communication technology have advanced quickly since the COVID-19 epidemic started, providing consumers with additional benefits and conveniences. Concerns over the privacy and confidentiality of this data have grown in importance as initiatives that promote the use of audio and video to enhance interpersonal interactions become more common. In the context of the Internet of Things (IoT), audio communications security is essential in the biomedical domain. Sensitive medical data may be compromised in these connections, which include exchanges between patients and doctors and broadcasts of vital signs. To protect patient privacy and reduce cybersecurity threats, strong security measures such as data encryption must be put in place. Our study attempts to address these issues in this environment. Comparative examination of the Chacha20, Salsa20, and Camellia encryption algorithms enabled us to ascertain that Chacha20 performs exceptionally well when it comes to audio file decryption and encryption speed. The results of our trials attest to this encryption method's astounding effectiveness and efficacy. We have also used the noise reduction technique, which is frequently used in audio security to enhance the quality of recordings and make it easier to identify significant information in audio signals. Then, Fourier transform technique, which is also used to analyze audio files and can be used to identify changes, extract hidden information, and authenticate audio files. By doing this, the audio files security and integrity are strengthened


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How to Cite

Amraoui M, Lasri I, Omary F, Boutahir MK. Securing Biomedical Audio Data in IoT Healthcare Systems: An Evaluation of Encryption Methods for Enhanced Privacy. Data and Metadata [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];3:365. Available from: