Public policies in Ecuador to mitigate violence against children and adolescents
Laws, Rights, Abuse, StateAbstract
The article focuses on examining public policies in Ecuador to mitigate violence against children and adolescents, this in the context that the rates of violence in the country have increased over the years and the ways in which they are produces are diverse, as well as the aggressors are no longer only found in the family environment but also in the school environment and in other areas where the minor has participation. In this sense, a review of the regulations in force in the country is carried out to assess their coverage and effectiveness based on international instruments on which they are based. The result of this review has made it possible to identify that despite the diversity of legal instruments, children's rights continue to be violated, which infers the need for actions to reinforce the guarantees of their compliance
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Copyright (c) 2024 Alexandra Marisol Barcia Maridueña, Iván Andrés Muñoz Mata, Marcia Lisbeth Verdugo Arcos, Thalía Lilibeth Figueroa Suárez (Author)
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