Blockchain Technology in Digital Identity Management and Verification




Digital Identity, Blockchain Technology, Security, Privacy, Decentralization, Check


This study analyzes the potential of Blockchain technology to improve security and privacy in the management and verification of digital identities, aspects that currently face challenges. Through a literature review, it was found that Blockchain offers a decentralized approach that provides greater control to users over their data through cryptographic mechanisms. The cases examined demonstrate benefits such as efficiency and automation in identity processes. However, further research is required to address pending challenges and achieve widespread application considering the particularities of each context. The objective is to analyze how this technology can positively transform the way digital identity is managed in an inclusive and privacy-respecting manner


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How to Cite

Quispe Sanabria EM, Pizarro Avellaneda JC, Bustinza Zuasnabar EE, Huaraca García AM, Mantari Mincami LD, Hilario Romero Giron HRG, et al. Blockchain Technology in Digital Identity Management and Verification. Data and Metadata [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 16];3:326. Available from: