Vehicle license plate recognition system with artificial intelligence for the detection of alerted vehicles at the National University of Ucayali
License Plate Recognition System, Artificial Intelligence, Detection of Alerted Vehicles, Technological Advances in SecurityAbstract
Introduction: technological advances have led to the creation of artificial intelligence, implementing it in tasks until recently developed directly by man, as in the case of parking lot surveillance.
Objective: to learn about the application of a vehicle license plate recognition system with artificial intelligence for the detection of alerted vehicles at the National University of Ucayali during the period 2022-2023.
Methods: qualitative approach study, inductive method and descriptive research level; the population consisted of university personnel over 19 years of age, regardless of gender and whose employment status was by appointment or contract, among whom a non-probabilistic sampling was applied, established in thirteen people, to whom an interview composed of twelve items was applied and who filled out an informed consent form, guaranteeing confidentiality, to have reliable data and scientific integrity of the same.
Results: there are favorable and unfavorable opinions; the former are contributed by people who understand the process and agree with its implementation, while the latter respond to doubts generated by the lack of information and institutional communication.
Conclusions: it is necessary to improve the communication system to avoid misinterpretations, doubts, and confusions in the use of private data, giving the users of the campus the certainty that the advances, in cooperation with the competent authorities, result in an adequate progress for the organization and control of their assets
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Copyright (c) 2024 Jackie Frank Chang Saldaña, Lincoln Fritz Cachay Reyes, Julio Cesar Pastor Segura, Liz Sobeida Salirrosas Navarro (Author)

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