Empowering Peruvian Microenterprises in the face of Industry 4.0: A Forward Outlook and Strategic Pathways





Insertion, future, microenterprises, technology, industry 4.0, strategic decisions


Objetive: this article analyzes the possible future of Peruvian microenterprises for the year 2030 for their insertion into the Industrial 4.0. 
Methods: the research will be based on a mixed, descriptive, prospective, non-experimental, longitudinal approach. The sampling will be based on stratified sampling theories based on criteria, where the sample will be divided into two moments: the first moment will consist of the incorporation of 25 Peruvian micro-companies of the commercial sector that constitute the same business line. Consequently, for the qualitative approach, 5 experts belonging to these organizations will be considered. The Environmental Scanning technique was used for the key variables, the Delphi survey where the validated and prioritized variables were taken into consideration and the Peter Schwats axes were used to identify future process scenarios; and finally, for the construction of the future, the IGO matrix for trend analysis will be used. 
Results: understanding the current context in which Peruvian microenterprises operate, as well as the variety of future scenarios, was feasible thanks to the prospective technique used to investigate their prospects in 2030. 
Conclusions: many Peruvian microenterprises face difficulties of low productivity and low competitiveness, which hampers their ability to contribute to the country's economic and social development


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How to Cite

Chombo-Jaco JA, del Carpio-Delgado F, Mayta-Huiza DA, Espiritu-Martinez AP, Gonzales-Figueroa IK, Aguilar-Cruzado JL, et al. Empowering Peruvian Microenterprises in the face of Industry 4.0: A Forward Outlook and Strategic Pathways. Data and Metadata [Internet]. 2022 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 2];1:17. Available from: https://dm.ageditor.ar/index.php/dm/article/view/31