Bibliometric Mapping of Trends of Project-Based Learning with Augmented Reality on Communication Ability of Children with Special Needs (Autism)
Autism Spectrum Disorder, Augmented Reality, Bibliometrics, Communication, Project Based LearningAbstract
Autistic children have the right to education. Education helps them develop their communication skills. Using a project-based learning model can improve communication skills. Currently, there is a lot of research discussing the use of project-based learning for children with special needs. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the use of project-based learning with augmented reality on the communication skills of autistic children. The method used is a systematic literature review and theoretical bibliometric analysis of research on communication skills of children with autism sourced from Scopus from 2013 to 2022. The research stages are determining i) research questions; ii) inclusion criteria; iii) quality assessment; iv) data collection; and v) bibliometric analysis. The results of this research note that research on the communication skills of autistic children is still a research trend that is of great interest to researchers with an increase in research occurring from 2015 to 2022. Countries in the Americas and Asia contributed the most to research on this research theme. There is a relationship between project requirements (P), communication skills (CS), and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This relationship is indicated by the strength of the P→CS link of 2 and the strength of the CS→ASD link of 4. This review shows that the characteristics of project-based learning can help train the level of communication skills of autistic children and will be better if assisted by the use of AR
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Copyright (c) 2024 M. Munir, Dwi Fitria Al Husaeni, R. Rasim, Laksmi Dewi, Azizah Nurul Khoirunnisa (Author)

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