Academic self-efficacy and anxiety about English learning in university students
Academic Self-efficacy, Anxiety about English Learning, Anxiety, LearningAbstract
In the university context, it is a concern to improve English learning in students, given that much scientific information is found in this language, hence the interest in examining the related factors. The objective was to determine the relationship between academic self-efficacy (AA) and linguistic anxiety about learning English (ALAI). The research was quantitative, basic and descriptive correlational design, with a non-probabilistic sample of 246 students from a state university. The validity of the instruments was evaluated by means of expert judgment and factor analysis. Cronbach's alpha reliability of the AA was 0,938 and of the ALAI 0,908. The results showed a significant inverse correlation between the variables (r = -0,403, p = 0,001). It is concluded that the higher the AA, the lower the ALAI, which merits improving students' self-efficacy
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Copyright (c) 2024 Rafael Emiliano Sulca Quispe, Víctor Enrique Lizama Mendoza, Luisa Margarita Díaz Ricalde de Arenas, Carlos Heraclides Pajuelo Camones, Juan Pablo Trujillo Soncco (Author)
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