Transformation and digital challenges in Peru during the COVID-19 pandemic, in the educational sector between 2020 and 2023: Systematic Review
Technological Transformation, Pandemic, COVID-19, Digital Challenges, Educational SectorAbstract
Introduction: digital transformation in the Peruvian educational sector has experienced a significant boost after facing the COVID-19 pandemic. During the period between 2020 and 2023, various innovative methods have been implemented to ensure the continuity of the academic year.
Objective: explain how the digital transformation was carried out in the Peruvian educational sector after facing the COVID-19 pandemic to the present (2020 – 2023).
Method: examples from many institutions, statistical studies and scientific and technological references were taken into account to achieve the objective. Throughout this work we are analyzing the different and innovative methods used by teachers to provide continuity to the academic year and how digital challenges were overcome.
Results: 78 documents from Scopus and Scielo were reviewed, leaving 62 after filtering. These cover 8 categories on the impact of the pandemic on education, the transition to online teaching, job skills, challenges and advantages of virtual education, innovation in higher education, educational evaluation in virtual environments, educational internationalization and challenges for teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Conclusions: in conclusion, the digital transformation in the Peruvian educational sector after the COVID-19 pandemic has been fundamental to guarantee the continuity of the teaching-learning process
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