Digital Challenges: The Need to Improve the Use of Information Technologies in Teaching
Competency Assessment, Digital Teaching, Educational Technologies, Teacher Training, Technology UseAbstract
In the post-pandemic scenario, a study was conducted at I.E. 50499 Justo Barrionuevo Álvarez in Cusco, Peru, to investigate the relationship between the use of information technologies and digital competencies among teachers. With a sample of 54 teachers, a structured questionnaire was administered to assess their competencies. The results revealed a direct positive correlation between the use of technologies and digital competencies, with a Spearman's Rho coefficient of 0,877, indicating a significant relationship. Correlations between the use of information technologies and the dimensions of digital competencies ranged from moderate to high. Significant correlations were observed in areas such as problem-solving (Rho=0,457), information and digital literacy (Rho=0,633), and security (Rho=0,743), among others. These findings suggest that, despite limited experience and limited knowledge of digital technologies among teachers in the institution, there is a notable relationship between the use of these technologies and their digital competencies. This study underscores the need for further training in information technologies for teachers in non-modernized urban contexts and for those who are older adults with limited prior experience in the digital domain. Enhancing digital competencies is crucial for adapting to the educational challenges in this new era of education
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Copyright (c) 2024 Lida Vásquez-Pajuelo , Jhonny Richard Rodriguez-Barboza, Karina Raquel Bartra-Rivero , Edgar Antonio Quintanilla-Alarcón , Wilfredo Vega-Jaime, Eduardo Francisco Chavarri-Joo (Author)
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