Implementation of artificial intelligence in the educational processes of university teachers


  • Alirio Antonio Mejía Marín Doctorante de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello - UCAB, Venezuela, Director de Investigación de la Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador – UNIB.E, Quito, Ecuador Author
  • Jesús Orlando Gómez Rivero Vicerrector Académico de la Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador – UNIB.E Author



Artificial intelligence, Educational Processes, Implementation, Higher education, Teachers


Introduction: Higher education is clarity an unprecedented transformation due to the growing incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in university teaching. The promise of AI in this context is clear: improve the quality of education, personalize learning, and prepare students for an ever-changing world. However, its use raises fundamental questions about the traditional role of the teacher and the student learning experience.
Objective: Describe the implementation of artificial intelligence in the educational processes developed by university teachers of a private Ecuadorian institution.
Method: Based on the positivist paradigm with a quantitative approach, a non-experimental cross-sectional design at a descriptive level is supported by field research. The population comprised 56 teachers, who answered a 29-item questionnaire validated by expert judgment and with a reliability level of 0.91.
Results: The main findings demonstrate that teachers at higher education institutions implement AI in their educational processes in an incipient manner, which could be due to a lack of knowledge about the subject. Likewise, it was found that they do not consider the use of AI to be a good practice. AI in the tasks and evaluations that students develop, and they do not perceive the use of this tool in education as essential. However, in a contradictory way, the majority of teachers agree that they need training in AI applied to education and that this will permeate the future of universities


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How to Cite

Mejía Marín AA, Gómez Rivero JO. Implementation of artificial intelligence in the educational processes of university teachers. Data and Metadata [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];3:.338. Available from: