Photoeducation strategy through emerging technologies
Sunscreens, mobile applications, solar radiation, artificial intelligenceAbstract
Excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation, added to the large amount of time that children spend exposed to the sun, causes lesions on their skin, significantly increasing the risk of suffering from skin cancer or melanoma in adulthood; Emerging technologies, such as mobile apps and UV-sensitive bracelets, offer practical and effective solutions to address the lack of knowledge and awareness about the risks of sun exposure, transforming the way we learn and engage with the world. particularly preschoolers.
Objective: propose an educational strategy through emerging technology with the integration of AI in health education programs, aimed at children under 5 years of age.
Methodology: a qualitative, ethnographic study was carried out, with the participation of 13 caregivers, 1 teacher, considering inclusion and exclusion criteria. The data were processed manually for exhaustive knowledge and meticulous review that can guide a complete and accurate interpretation of the participants' experiences.
Results and conclusion: the study highlights the need for comprehensive and preventive education in photoprotection, using innovative technological tools to reach both children and their parents and teachers. Emerging technologies, such as mobile apps and UV-sensitive bracelets, offer practical and effective solutions to the risks of sun exposure. However, for this strategy to be effective, it is essential that it be implemented in an educational environment that supports and reinforces its use.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Jessica Paulina Guerrero Rodríguez, Angélica Salomé Herrera Molina, Paola Maricela Machado Herrera, Verónica Rocío Tierra Tierra, Tatiana Alexandra González Verdezoto, Edison Fernando Bonifaz Aranda, Verónica Sofía Quenorán Almeida, María Belén Espíndola Lara (Author)

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