Optimizing the client-consultant relationship to maximize ERP project benefits for Moroccan SMEs





Client-consultant, ERP, ERP implementation, Moroccan SMEs, IS success, System benefits


The adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) has become a common option for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) looking to optimize and integrate their Information Systems (IS). However, ERP Implementation (ERPI) remains a complex process and represents a major challenge for many SMEs, surpassing even that of large companies. Consultants have experience in understanding the client's special needs, enabling them to put in place the right processes to meet those requirements, while ensuring that the client fully exploits the potential benefits offered by the ERP System (ERPS). Client-consultant conflict in ERPS is a major factor in the non-realization of benefits, which makes client-consultant agency management essential to realizing the benefits of ERP after implementation. There is currently no research examining how client-consultant relationship management can impact on the benefits of ERPI within SMEs. The aim of this research is to find out how the management of the client-consultant relationship affects the benefits of ERPS in Moroccan SMEs. This article applies the action research method in two companies, as well as a quantitative research approach using the partial least squares structural equation model (PLS-SEM) to examine data collected from 93 observations. The results are interpreted using IS success model and agency theory. This article presents four paths through which contracts agreements and strategies for conflict resolution contribute to the realization of benefits in ERP Projects (ERPP). Our research has contributed to both research and practice, and the results could help Moroccan consultants and SMEs when implementing ERP


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How to Cite

Zouhair Y, El Mrini Y, Belaissaoui M, Ifleh A. Optimizing the client-consultant relationship to maximize ERP project benefits for Moroccan SMEs. Data and Metadata [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 2 [cited 2025 Feb. 9];3:.361. Available from: https://dm.ageditor.ar/index.php/dm/article/view/361