Bibliometric indicators and decision making




Bibliometrics, Decision-Making, Science, Metrics


The publication analysis of scientific articles, a fundamental link in the research process, has become the standard unit that allows the quality of the knowledge-generating process and its impact on the scientific environment to be qualified. This article describes the general aspects of the relationship between bibliometric studies and decision-making. Data about scientific activities is increasingly being used to govern science. Once individually designed for their specific context and carried out by peers, research evaluations are now routine and metric-based. The problem is that the assessment went from being based on an expert assessment to relying on these metrics. The opportunity to apply bibliometric techniques is valuable when making decisions that imply redirecting all research-development plans and selecting leaders capable of coordinating projects to generate technological and financial resources



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How to Cite

Ledesma F, Malave González BE. Bibliometric indicators and decision making. Data and Metadata [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];1:9. Available from: