Systematic review on sustainable management of natural resources with smart technologies for food production
sustainable management, natural resources, smart technologies, food productionAbstract
Introduction: The environmental problems related to global warming, climate change, and alterations in natural resources deepen the food supply worldwide, so the applicability of cutting-edge digital technology raises viable alternatives for the transformation of the agricultural sector with generative, resilient, sustainable and adaptive practices to meet the challenges of food insecurity and malnutrition. Based on the applicability of intelligent technologies in production processes, processing, conservation, monitoring, simulation, modeling, and management of natural resources to ensure the goal of sustainable development and zero hunger. Therefore, the object of analysis of the bibliometric review on the sustainable management of natural resources with smart technologies for food production was raised, for which the main databases Scopus, IEEE Eplore, MDPI, and Springer were explored, during a period of six years, with the use of the methodology (PRISMA, 2020). To conclude, it is concluded that the incorporation of smart technologies such as industry 4.0, 5.0, IoT, AI, robotics, smart irrigation, satellite imagery, simulation, autonomous learning Big Data, blockchain that allow ensuring healthy, nutritious and sustainable food
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Copyright (c) 2025 Diego Cajamarca Carrazco, Edwin Rogelio Guanga Casco, Santiago Mauricio Salazar-Torres, Danny Josue Montalvo Zambrano, Eleonora-Melissa Layana-Bajana, Winston Fernando Zamora Burbano, María Magdalena Paredes Godoy (Author)

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