Exploring Managerial Innovation in the University Context: an In-Depth Look through a Systematic Literature Review
Managerial Innovation, University Management, Higher Education, Systematic Literature Review, Pedagogical PracticesAbstract
This article explores the evolution and growing importance of managerial innovation in the university context, based on an in-depth analysis of existing literature. In the face of globalization and higher education challenges, managerial innovation is crucial for modernizing pedagogical practices, enhancing teaching quality, and addressing students' needs. This systematic literature review evaluates key studies, including those by Xue & Wang (2024) and Chung & Espinoza (2023), to assess the impact of innovation on university management. The analysis focuses on trends from 2014 to 2024, drawing on works from the Scopus database. The study addresses four main questions: the relationship between managerial innovation and university education, their reciprocal interaction, the impact of innovation on higher education, and the gaps in current research. The article highlights key findings while stressing the importance of an ethical approach to implementing managerial innovation in universities. The structure includes the methodology, synthesis, analysis, and conclusions on future research directions
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