Proposal of Competencies in Telehealth: A Mixed-Methods Study in the Biobío Region, Chile
Telehealth, competencies, validation, healthcare professionalsAbstract
Introduction: Telehealth has become essential in the delivery of healthcare services, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Objective: This study aims to identify the specific competencies needed for the effective implementation of telehealth in Biobío, Chile.
Methods: A qualitative and quantitative validation of competencies was conducted. The qualitative phase included a focus group with professionals from various health areas to discuss and refine the competencies. The quantitative phase used the Telehealth Competency and Preparedness Perception Scale (EPPCT), employing a non-probabilistic convenience sampling (n=48) among health professionals in the Biobío region, Chile.
Results: The qualitative validation highlighted the importance of system efficiency and waitlist management, confidence, and education in the use of technologies, and continuous training. The quantitative validation identified two main dimensions: "Professional Excellence" and "Remote Clinical Approach," encompassing communication, ethical, legal, and technological aspects.
Conclusions: The proposed competencies are suitable for telehealth, emphasizing the need for continuous evaluation and training. An additional quantitative study is recommended to confirm and adjust the model, ensuring that healthcare professionals are prepared to face the challenges of remote care
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Copyright (c) 2024 Marcela Hechenleitner-Carvallo, Jacqueline Ibarra-Peso, Carlos Zúñiga-San Martín, Angélica Avendaño-Veloso, Eileen Sepúlveda-Valenzuela (Author)

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