Implementation and Evaluation of a Hybrid Recommendation System for the Real Estate Market




hybrid recommendation system, collaborative filtering, content-based filtering, real estate market, machine learning, user satisfaction


Introduction: The real estate market has been transformed by digital technologies, especially Industry 4.0, which has made property searching and evaluation more efficient, improving its accuracy with the use of advanced algorithms. Traditional methods have been replaced by online platforms using modern machine learning (ML) algorithms, leading to the need for personalized recommendation systems to improve user experiences. Methodology: This study designed and implemented a hybrid recommendation system that combines collaborative and content-based filtering techniques. The development process involved four phases: literature review, technology selection, prototype implementation, and system deployment. Findings: The proposed hybrid model effectively addressed challenges such as data sparsity and the cold start problem, improving recommendation accuracy. In the evaluation, users indicated high satisfaction with the system’s ability to offer personalized property recommendations. Conclusion: Thus, hybrid recommendation systems can significantly improve the property search experience by offering personalized recommendations. However, further research into the applicability of the system in different domains remains a need for further exploration.


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How to Cite

Henríquez Miranda C, Sánchez-Torres G. Implementation and Evaluation of a Hybrid Recommendation System for the Real Estate Market. Data and Metadata [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 5 [cited 2024 Oct. 13];3:.426. Available from: