A Conceptual Framework for the Adoption of Cloud Computing in a Higher Education Institutions
Cloud computing, Adoption, TOE model, Human factors, Jordanian higher educational institutionsAbstract
Today, with significant improvements of computing capacities, the world is witnessing significant technological advancements. Cloud computing especially, is increasingly becoming an advantageous tool, in developed countries especially, and these countries have invested substantially in cloud computing systems to enable the implementation of hi-tech advancements in many of their industries. On the other hand, in developing and underdeveloped countries, the adoption of cloud computing is still in the early stages; as can be observed, there has been some form of digital transformation of data systems in these countries. In Jordan, The factors affecting cloud computing adoption among higher education institutions were still underexplored, especially on the issues pertaining to cloud computing adoption. Therefore. Major factors with potential impact on user adoption of cloud computing were hence reviewed in this study. A conceptual framework of cloud computing adoption based on Extended Technology-Organizational-Environmental (TOE) framework by Tornatzky and Fleischer was proposed. The framework includes individual factors as the theoretical base for cloud computing adoption, to provide an inclusive comprehension on the factors that could affect behavioral intention and use of cloud computing.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Saleh Alqatan, Mohammad Alshirah, Mohammad Bany Baker, Hayel Khafajeh, Suhaila Abuowaida (Author)

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