Digital competences in primary and secondary education: a trend visualisation analysis through VOSviewer




Digital competences, Basic and secondary education, ICT, Data visualisation, VOSviewer


Introduction: In an increasingly interconnected society, digital skills are increasingly important in the education of the next generations. Therefore, it is necessary to know the main trends in this field of studies. Methods: This study conducts a trend visualisation analysis on digital competences in basic and secondary education, using the VOSviewer tool to map and visualise the relationships between authors, institutions, and research topics. Results: The visualisation reveals a significant increase in scholarly output related to digital competences, especially from 2020 onwards. Co-authorship networks and keyword co-occurrence highlight central nodes of collaboration and emerging themes in this field of study. Conclusions: The results underline the importance of an interdisciplinary approach and the need to strengthen digital competences in teacher education.


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How to Cite

Hernández Suárez CA, Hernández Albarracín JD, Rodríguez Moreno J. Digital competences in primary and secondary education: a trend visualisation analysis through VOSviewer. Data and Metadata [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 10 [cited 2024 Oct. 13];3:.432. Available from: