Is Big Data Adoption Shaping Business Landscapes? An Overview of Current Hotspots and Future Trends




Big data, Business Transformation, Big Data Adoption, Bibliometric Analysis


Introduction: Most bibliometrics reviews in the prior studies have focused on tracking the evolution, applications, and implications of Big Data in business through different sectors using Web of Science or Scopus databases. Moreover, none of these studies has addressed the differences between developed and developing countries. These gaps indicate that we need a bibliometric review that can identify current trends and unexplored areas. 
Objectives: This study aims to use a bibliometric approach to examine how Big Data is used in businesses using WoS and Scopus databases. 
Methods: A Systematic Literature Review was conducted based on the country's economic status using the SPAR-4-SLR protocol for this research. 
Results: The results show a significant growth in publications since 2013 among developed countries and since 2014 among developing ones such as the United States and the United Kingdom, along with China and India, respectively. Also, Machine Learning Overlaps Artificial Intelligence alongside Analytics, fueling innovative data-driven business processes around Big Data. 
Conclusions: This article explores the transformative power of Big Data across domains, stressing its ability to cause substantial breakthroughs within the digital economy


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How to Cite

Al-Momani AM, Al-Sharafi MA, AL Jarrah MA, Hijaeen OW. Is Big Data Adoption Shaping Business Landscapes? An Overview of Current Hotspots and Future Trends. Data and Metadata [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];4:536. Available from: