Ready to Master Data Structures? Discover How Eduplay and Problem-Based Learning Elevate Computational Thinking and Real-World Problem Solving




Computational Thinking, Data Structures, Eduplay, Engagement, Problem-Based Learning (PBL), Problem-Solving Skills


Data structures therefore should be conquered for optimal development of computational thinking and general problem solving prowess. Nevertheless, traditional classroom approaches can hardly meet learners’ interest and enlighten them on how the acquired knowledge could be applied in practice. This paper aims to analyze how the introduced Eduplay, an application that comprises educational games and interactive exercises, can be applied to Problem-Based Learning, focusing on problem-solving. The purpose of the study is to determine the extent to which active learning methods contribute to the improvement of students’ interest, comprehension and skill in data structures. This methodology comprised pre- and post-tests with regard to CT and qualitative approach employed in observing the learning participants’ engagement and interactions. The study also shows that with the integration of Eduplay and PBL, students become more engaged effectively and independently, they think critically, and effectively and independently apply the learnt concepts. The above results imply that combining Eduplay and PBL offers not only the transition from classroom knowledge to working experience but also learning in its entirety. This approach presents educators with a new direction that they can use to enhance the learning outcomes of their students in data structures and other computational fields


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How to Cite

Sutejo S, Refdinal R, Wakhinuddin W, Ersan Fadrial Y, Yunefri Y. Ready to Master Data Structures? Discover How Eduplay and Problem-Based Learning Elevate Computational Thinking and Real-World Problem Solving. Data and Metadata [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];3:540. Available from: