Interdisciplinarity in the Effectiveness of Telehealth: Challenges, Opportunities, and Necessary Competencies




Healthcare Access, Healthcare Personnel Competency, Health Equity, Interdisciplinary Communication, Telemedicine


Introduction: Telehealth has become a key tool to improve access to healthcare, particularly in contexts with geographical barriers. Its effective implementation relies on integrating technology with clinical knowledge, which requires specific competencies and interdisciplinary collaboration to ensure equitable care.
Objective: To describe how interdisciplinarity influences the implementation and effectiveness of telehealth, identifying the challenges, opportunities, and necessary competencies from the perspective of healthcare professionals in the Biobío region, Chile.
Methodology: A qualitative study was conducted through a focus group with 14 healthcare professionals from various disciplines. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis and co-occurrence analysis to identify relationships among key competencies.
Results: The findings indicate that interdisciplinarity optimizes telehealth by combining clinical and technological knowledge, although it faces challenges such as the need for training in communication and adaptability competencies. The importance of skilled human resources and robust digital infrastructure is also highlighted.
Conclusions: Interdisciplinary collaboration is essential for the success of telehealth, enabling patient-centered care and promoting health equity. Ongoing training in specific competencies and adequate technological support are necessary to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of telehealth in the region


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How to Cite

Hechenleitner-Carvallo M, Ibarra-Peso J. Interdisciplinarity in the Effectiveness of Telehealth: Challenges, Opportunities, and Necessary Competencies. Data and Metadata [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];4:542. Available from: