Technological disinformation: factors and causes of cybernaut identity theft in the digital world
Cybersecurity, Knowledge Society, Digital Ecosystem, Business Intelligence, E-CommerceAbstract
The contribution of technology in the development of our daily activities has taken a giant step in the dependence of the citizen-technology-society with the integration of the Internet without glimpsing a border. It is therefore necessary to safeguard personal information if you have an active digital life. The identification of the factors and causes that lead to identity theft is a requirement for the technical and operational literacy of citizens, who are easy victims. This article aims to analyze some aspects of causes and factors of identity theft of citizens of the municipality of the center of the State of Tabasco. A quantitative instrument was designed, applied via Internet to a population of 3,158. The results show that citizens are unaware of several aspects of security in the environment of digital services, which, depending on gender, age and level of education, are captive in some scenario of digital insecurity.
Keywords: Cybersecurity; Knowledge Society; Digital Ecosystem; Business Intelligence; E-Commerce
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Copyright (c) 2023 Gilberto Murillo González, German Martínez Prats, Verónica Vázquez Vidal (Author)
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