Optimizing Genetic Algorithms with Multilayer Perceptron Networks for Enhancing TinyFace Recognition





TinyFace Recognition, Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Genetic Algorithms (GA), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Dimensionality Reduction, Machine Learning Optimization


This study conducts an empirical examination of MLP networks investigated through a rigorous methodical experimentation process involving three diverse datasets: TinyFace, Heart Disease, and Iris. Study Overview: The study includes three key methods: a) a baseline training using the default settings for the Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), b) feature selection using Genetic Algorithm (GA) based refinement c) Principal Component Analysis (PCA) based dimension reduction. The results show important information on how such techniques affect performance. While PCA had showed benefits in low-dimensional and noise-free datasets GA consistently increased accuracy in complex datasets by accurately identifying critical features. Comparison reveals that feature selection and dimensionality reduction play interdependent roles in enhancing MLP performance. The study contributes to the literature on feature engineering and neural network parameter optimization, offering practical guidelines for a wide range of machine learning tasks


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How to Cite

Subhi Al-Batah M, Alzboon M, Alqaraleh M. Optimizing Genetic Algorithms with Multilayer Perceptron Networks for Enhancing TinyFace Recognition. Data and Metadata [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];3:.594. Available from: https://dm.ageditor.ar/index.php/dm/article/view/594