Mapping publication trend of teacher mindfulness: a visualization and bibliometric analysis using Scopus databases




Bibliometric analysis, mindfulness, teacher mindfulness, Scopus databases, VOSViewer


Introduction: This study aimed to analyze the bibliometric characteristics and trends of research with the theme of teacher mindfulness on the Scopus database, including co-authorship, co-occurrence by keywords, citation, co-citation, and bibliographic coupling in the last decade (from 2014 to 2024).
Methods: This study utilizes a qualitative research methodology through a bibliometric literature analysis strategy. The Scopus database is used to identify research trends related to teacher mindfulness and teacher professionalism from 2014 to 2024. The data was structured according to the PRISMA approach, yielding a total of 783 papers that were further processed for the purpose of mapping and visualizing research trends.
Results: There has been significant growth in the quantity of articles on teacher mindfulness subjects during the last decade. A total of 783 papers were analyzed, published across 159 journals, with Mindfulness being the most popular journal. Collaboration among authors occurred across 74 different countries, resulting in 16 clusters, with the United States and the United Kingdom as the leading contributors to the publication of scholarly works on the subject of mindfulness. Jennings, P.A. is the author who most contributed to the publication. Furthermore, topics about teacher mindfulness, trait mindfulness, mindfulness in teaching, psychological stress, teacher well-being, job satisfaction, and teacher professionalism, which have great opportunities for further research, relate to the theme of teacher mindfulness.
Conclusions: The topic of teacher mindfulness is becoming increasingly significant with current challenges, providing opportunities for future research aligned with current trends in mindfulness studies. 


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How to Cite

Haenilah EY, Handoko H, Hamid MA, Huda TA, Nurtanto M, Fadli R, et al. Mapping publication trend of teacher mindfulness: a visualization and bibliometric analysis using Scopus databases. Data and Metadata [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];3:.616. Available from: