Analysis of Colombian scientific production around Agroecology in Scopus
Agroecology, bibliometric analysis, Colombia, scientific production, sustainabilityAbstract
Introduction: This article presents a detailed analysis of Colombian scientific production in agroecology indexed in Scopus between 2013 and 2023. It addresses the main trends, themes and methodological approaches in the research. Methodology: Using a mixed methodology, a bibliometric analysis was carried out to identify patterns in productivity, collaboration and impact, which was complemented with a qualitative analysis of articles on the topic. Results: The results revealed a significant increase in scientific production, marked by the incorporation of participatory and interdisciplinary approaches, in which collaboration between local and international institutions played a crucial role. Furthermore, a transition was observed towards studies that integrate environmental sustainability with agroecological practice. This reflects the commitment to the resilience of production systems. However, challenges persist in the visibility and citation of Colombian research at a global level, which indicates the need to strengthen its dissemination and alignment with theoretical frameworks of international scope. This analysis provides a comprehensive understanding of the state of agroecology in Colombia and highlights its potential to guide sustainable agricultural policies
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