Augmented Reality-Enhanced 5-Step Project-Based Learning Framework for Advancing Technical Education
Augmented Reality, Vocational Education, Construct Validity, Model Practicality, Quality EducationAbstract
Introduction: In facing the challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, vocational education requires a learning model that can integrate technology with real work practices. This study aims to develop, test the validity of the construction, and evaluate the practicality of a project-based learning model assisted by augmented reality in engineering education.
Methods: The development model used is the ADDIE model. The construction validity test uses Confirmatory Factor Analysis to evaluate the model syntax, while the model's practicality is tested through a survey given to lecturers and students.
Results: The results of the CFA test show that all PjBAR model syntaxes have good construction validity and reliability. In addition, the results of the practicality test show that this model is very practical to use, with an average score of more than 80% of the responses of lecturers and students.
Conclusion: The PjBAR model developed shows good validity and reliability as well as high practicality, so it is worthy of being applied in engineering education to improve the quality of learning through AR technology
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Copyright (c) 2025 Muslim, Ambiyar, Arwizet Karudin , Muhammad Syafiq Hazwan Ruslan , Hsu-Chan Kuo , Donny Fernandez , Doni Tri Putra Yanto , Nuzul Hidayat (Author)

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