Project-based Augmented Reality (PjBAR): Evaluation for Vocational Education Effectiveness
Effect Size, Learning Effectiveness, Project-based Augmented Reality, Vocational Education, Quality EducationAbstract
Introduction: The Industrial Revolution 4.0 requires vocational education to adopt innovative learning approaches that integrate advanced technology with real work practices. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the Project-based Augmented Reality (PjBAR) model in improving the quality of learning in vocational education.
Methods: Data were collected through a trial implementation of the PjBAR model compared to direct instruction. The effectiveness of the model was analyzed using effect size to determine how much influence the PjBAR model had on learning outcomes.
Results: This study revealed a significant difference between the PjBAR model class and the direct instruction method. The average learning outcomes of the PjBAR class were superior to those of the direct instruction class. Effect size analysis indicated that the PjBAR model had a strong impact on improving student learning outcomes.
Conclusions: This model not only improves learning outcomes and the quality of education but is also able to provide a more interesting learning experience through the integration of augmented reality technology, making it relevant to meet the needs of 21st-century learning.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Muslim, Ambiyar, Arwizet Karudin, Muhammad Syafiq Hazwan Ruslan, Hsu-Chan Kuo, Doni Tri Putra Yanto (Author)

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