Data, Digital Tools and Meaningful Learning: An Analysis in Today's Educational Context




Information And Communication Technologies (Icts), Meaningful Learning, Digital Education, Technology Integration, Data Science


This research aims to address educational inequalities and improve the quality of education in the country, through a comprehensive and systematic review of the literature related to the topic of "Digital Tools and Meaningful Learning" in the current educational context. The key findings of each study were examined, including the methodologies used, the results obtained and the relevant conclusions. The papers were categorized and grouped according to common themes and emerging trends in the relationship between digital tools and meaningful learning. Special attention was paid to the limitations and challenges identified in the literature. In conclusion, the use of digital tools in the classroom can contribute significantly to the teaching-learning process, as long as they are implemented effectively and existing educational inequalities are addressed. Effective strategies implemented in Latin America to close the digital divide and reduce educational inequalities were identified


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How to Cite

Cotrina Aliaga JC, Lizarzaburu Aguinaga DA, Gonzales Moncada TM, Ilquimiche Melly JL, Maita Cruz YM, Vasquez Ramos SP. Data, Digital Tools and Meaningful Learning: An Analysis in Today’s Educational Context. Data and Metadata [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 17 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];2:96. Available from: