Assessment of Satisfaction Level of Patients with Chronic Conditions Regarding Nursing Staff Service During Home Visits




Patients, Level of Satisfaction, Healthcare, Prolonged Pathologies


The research was conducted in the San Francisco de Sigsipamba parish, Pimampiro Canton, with the objective of determining the level of satisfaction of chronic patients regarding the role of nursing in home visits. A mixed methodology, both qualitative and quantitative, was utilized, with a non-experimental design that was exploratory, descriptive, and correlational in scope. The methods employed included analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, historical-logical, systemic, and scientific observation as part of the empirical research. A survey using the Iadov method was applied to assess the overall satisfaction of the patients regarding the visit of the nursing staff. The results indicated a prevalence of dissatisfaction among the patients, with 47 % showing significant levels of dissatisfaction compared to 51 % reporting some degree of satisfaction. The largest group, however, corresponds to those most dissatisfied, highlighting the need to address key issues in the service to improve the quality and experience of the patient. Additionally, a set of strategies was developed aimed at training healthcare personnel and minimizing the negative impacts resulting from inappropriate practices by nursing staff in patients with chronic diseases


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How to Cite

Guerrón Enríquez SX, Ortega Armas DS, Aveiga Hidalgo MV, Nazate Chuga ZR. Assessment of Satisfaction Level of Patients with Chronic Conditions Regarding Nursing Staff Service During Home Visits. Data and Metadata [Internet]. 2023 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];2:338. Available from: