Strategic planning and organizational culture
Strategic planning, Organizational culture, MYPEAbstract
Introduction: The thesis “Strategic planning and organizational culture of Bodega y Viñedos Santa María S.A.C. of the district of Lunahuaná - Cañete 2021” highlights that strategic planning is a structured process through which an organization considers where it wants to go and how it is going to achieve it. Likewise, organizational culture is that culture (set of values, beliefs, and other representative characteristics of a group of people) that are reflected within an organization and that identify it as such.
Objective: Determine how strategic planning is associated with the organizational culture of Bodega y Viñedos Santa María S.A.C. of the district of Lunahuaná - Cañete 2021.
Method: Research with a quantitative approach, basic type, non-experimental cross-sectional design, and correlational level. The population was made up of 10 people from the company and the research sample was made up of the entire population. Two surveys were used: strategic planning and organizational culture, composed of 28 and 60 questions for each instrument, respectively, which were validated by expert judgment and reliability through Cronbach's alpha, respecting ethical considerations.
Results: The results obtained consider that strategic planning is significantly associated with the organizational culture of Bodega y Viñedos Santa María S.A.C. of the district of Lunahuaná - Cañete 2021, because Spearman's Rho statistical test is 0,764, which according to the correlation analysis table is considered a very strong positive correlation. In relation to the dimensions: involvement, consistency, adaptability, and mission, with strategic planning it was found that they have a significant association.
Conclusions: In conclusion, there is an association between both variables. Therefore, the implementation of strategic planning in micro and small businesses (MYPE) establishes the procedure to follow and the appropriate organizational culture contributes to the fulfillment of what is planned, allowing the continuous improvement of the company and the scope of business success
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ana Chaman Bardalez, Alberto Ramón Osorio, Segundo Ríos Ríos , Miguel Vargas Tasayco , Yrene Uribe Hernandez (Author)
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